
Should the US allow Hungarian passport owners entry to the US, without a visa, llike Slovenia, Austria etc.?

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Most countries from the European Union do not need entry visa, for toursts vominf to the USA. Hungary does. Why?




  1. The position of the US Embassy has always been that too many Hungarians overstay their visas to justify waiving the visa policy.  But there was a conference earlier this year in Prague to consider eliminating the visa requirement for Hungarians and citizens of other Central European countries, so it looks like it might eventually happen.  

    Personally I think it would be a good idea; the system they have in place now is ridiculous and is a disincentive to tourism from Central Europe.

  2. Since they are an EU country, why shouldn't they be allowed without a visa?

  3. Perhaps because Hungary is considerably poorer than the visa waiver countries.

  4. In order to be designated to participate, and maintain status in the Visa Waiver Program (WVP), countries must meet certain legislatively established criteria, as set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act (U.S.C. 1187), the Border Security Act, and the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act (EBSVERA).

    Criteria include:

    The country must have a very low non-immigrant refusal rate; the incidence of nationals of the country traveling as non-immigrant visitors who are denied admission, withdraw their application, and violate the terms of a VWP admission is less than two percent of the total number of non-immigrant nationals traveling to the US during the previous fiscal year; and the Department of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, must evaluate the impact of VWP designation on the safety and security of the United States.

    See the following website for further information:

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