
Should the US have an embassy in Iran?

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"The US plans to establish a diplomatic presence in Tehran for the first time in 30 years as part of a remarkable turnaround in policy by President George Bush."




  1. I thought they already had one!!  in Pakistan that's Iran's capital isn't it?

  2. I don't think that would work out very well. They hate us over there & there would be plots to get rid of it for sure. Besides, what American would want to go over there for fun & vacation? There is no need for an embassy there.

  3. hmm i am not sure Iran would like that, it took a revolution to get rid of the American influence in the first place! I say leave the Irannians alone! its obvious the only interest  America government has is in their oil.

  4. I doubt it will last for long. They really hate us over there for helping Israel.

  5. First the US and Iran need to be on friendly terms.  Once that's done I don't see why not.

    Penny Pround... you're an idot.  Tons of countries have built embassies in the US.  There is plenty of land that is not US owned in here.  Have you have been to Washington D.C?  If not then you should book a trip ASAP.  There are miles of emabssies there.  I think every country needs to have an embassy in every other country.  They are there to help citizens in a foreign land and create diplomacy.

  6. dialogue isnt a bad thing,i hope it helps,i suspect the ammount of influence iran now has in the region will be impotrnt for both sides,one problem tho israel,until thats sorted were all going to pay

  7. Its the daftest thing i have ever read. The will be as welcome as the plague.

  8. Of course; both sides need to sit down & talk together & the first step is having basic diplomatic contact.

  9. No, I don't see any need for one. I wouldn't like it if other countries started building bases on American soil, so I don't think it's necessary for America to have one in everybody elses.

  10. This is great news - I've been advocating it for a long time and it seems Bush realizes he will leave office having accomplished absolutely nothing.  So this is a last ditch effort to do something.  

    But back to the question:  I'd like to point out that having diplomats there or a diplomatic presence does not mean opening an embassy.  Chances are they'll have a small consulate in the beginning.  Depending on how relations go will determine if an embassy is opened in the future.

  11. If this were to actually happen, the Guardian's editorialized parts are way off and presumptuous.  Good relations with Iran would be considered a good thing by any decent person in this world, and Bush would welcome it.  He's always said there are things that Iran knows it has to do for us talk.  The US administration didn't just hop up and say oh forget about your threats and chants and nukes, we're going to be friends.  Something would have to come to an agreement for this to happen.

    It's amazing how the security of this world has just become an absolutely ignorant game for the masses.  The British news article focuses mostly on how, in their opinion, Bush has backed down.  The focus is on Bush -- not the fact that Iran having good relations with the USA and the world would be a good thing.  Bush.  Bush.  Bush.  The people of the world live on a idiotic third-grade level at best.  (See T-man.)

  12. Yes!'Jaw, Jaw!Is better than War War!!

  13. Don`t see why not.

  14. I lived a year in armenia on the border of Iran .I talked to alot of Iranians they seamed to like americans ,but the Iranians that lived in armenia ,had left iran to get away from there crasey government .The government in Iran has no intentions of having a american embassy .It is just ahmadinejad`s propaganda .He wants it to look like he is willing to negotiate, but the west isn`t wanting to negotiate with him.It is a big cat and mouse game ,he is trying to buy his nuclear program enough time to get a nuclear weapon before someone bombs them. There are alot of good people there that don`t want anything to do with a war with the usa or isreal,but unfortunately they may die soon.

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