
Should the US have helped Georgia more?

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The US invaded Iraq over nothing and now when freedom is really at stake, the US shirks its duty. It seems that the reason we invaded Iraq is now clearer than ever--for oil. MY BROTHER IS IN THE ARMY AND I AM ASHAMED AT THIS COUNTRY.




  1. georgia decided on it's own to attack a break-away Provence they can't expect us to back them up when they decide to do something like that.

  2. I think we need to stop fighting other peoples' wars for them. Also, we could then get in a war with Russia. Which, considering their nuclear arsenal would be VERY, VERY, VERY BAD!!!

  3. We should leave Georgia alone I think.

    &&No the reason we invaded Iraq is bogas.

    We should of minded our own business in that situation as well.


  4. NO We are broke

  5. No way.  Our involvement would have been inappropriate.  We would have caused more blood shed, much more.  Our foreign policy is already perverted.  Georgia slapped a big super power in the face.  Russia, obviously, retaliated for 5 days.  Its over now, cease fire.  Its sad that you think the US duty is to defend freedoms of other countries for political gain when they are under attack in our own country.  CHANGE YOU Foreign Policy.

  6. I think the US should have condemned Russia less.  They were fighting to stop the Georgians from going into South Ossetia to take it back over, when the people there want to be a sovereign nation.


    Iraq has nothing to do with and cannot be compared to the situation in S Ossetia.

  7. no

  8. You sound like the kind of person that would be ashamed of this country whether we went in and helped Georgia or not. Lets just say that we did go in and help out Georgia. Ok, you would be posting a question like "Why does the US have to get involved in other country's business"? Seriously! Are you just looking for something to complain about with this country? It sounds like it to me.

    Not too mention that are troops are spread too thin around the world as it is.

    If you want to talk about freedom really being at stake, then look at how the Iraqi people lived under Sadam. Dont kid yourself man, we didn't go into Iraq for "nothing". Maybe if you opened your eyes, you would see how many thousands of Iraqis are thankful for the US going in and liberating them. Besides, Georgia provoked Russia into this whole mess.

  9. I am to i am ashamed of not only our government but the governments of the entire western world for not responding faster and with the threat of force the Russians just did this to see how far they could get and we let they see what they wanted that the west is weak in our mentality that its not us who cares.....I wanted to see a message sent to the Russians from the EU,NATO and the US that the option of force was on the table but our polotions took it off the table.....we should have done what we did for Kuwait in the first gulf war....I hope the leaders of the world are ashamed of themselves for not responding sooner.......and epically Bush the US is the leader of the free world he should have had his little *** on a plane to Moscow instead of kissing Chinese *** at the olympics.....

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