
Should the US leave Afghanistan?

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It seems we are doing all the work anyway.

With the Canadians complaining calling it Bush's war, not that they are doing anything or doing much good anyway.

So is Afghanistan becoming another Iraq war and should we leave.




  1. we need to be there fighting al-qaeda

  2. Until Osama Bin Laden is killed, US should leave.


    if anythin, we should leave iraq and go to afghanistan, since THAT WAS WHERE THE TERRORISM STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE

    we completely distracted ourselves by lettin the bush regime trick us into thinkin that we needed to be in iraq, meanwhile the media havent told you that the taliban has reformed and is regaining control of the country day by day. If we lose Afghanistan, we lost the war on terror and you can basically expect annother terrorist attack any day now because Osama will be free to train and regroup his organisation to fight us. If we leave now, we're finished, and i as a new yorker aint gonna sit around and wait for them n!ggas to knock down annother building full of hardworkin people, if that happens again our government has TRULY failed us by then.

  4. Al-Qaeda has very little ties to the Afghanistan or Iraqi government.

    Yes, of course it should.

  5. should've never been there in the first place.....

  6. they should have left a LOOONG time ago.. what are they doing now? fighitng for OIL?? i mean c'mon.

  7. hello , good morning , are you still sleep until NOW?

    yes they should leave all country , and the world too

    Us people deserve to live at h**l

  8. yes they should. the US should getting into other countries problems, and start solving the problems in the US.  

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