
Should the US lift the ban on offshore drilling? ?

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My speech class is having a debate and the topic is on offshore drilling. I have chosen to be on the affirmative team (for offshore drilling). I just need some ideas to get my feet moving towards the right direction on this debate. Any views for me to look through?




  1. Yes we should lift the ban, and i can assure you that the ban will be lifted. Even the Democrats who were first against it are starting to look at the facts and seeing that its a good idea.

    For instance....we need to be working on alternative fuel vehicles. Hybrids, hydrogen powered, solar powered, battery powered and all the rest. We do need to be putting every effort we can into developing such vehicles. BUT....and here is the big BUT:

    It is going to take many years to get those alternative fuel vehicles out on the market in mass quantities and at a price that the average consumer can afford. Until the time that those vehicles are ready we need to be drilling for every ounce of oil we can here in America-to tie us over.

    Also, even when we do go to alternative fuel vehicles, we still will need oil. Oil is used for many other items than just gas. For instance it takes oil to make plastic products.

    We will never be a society without oil. We can curb our use of it, but there always will be a certain need for it.  

  2. NO NO NO.  We should force Big Oil to use up all the available land FIRST. WHICH WILL TAKE DECADES.

    Big Oil has proven sites leased out now - THAT THEY REFUSE TO DRILL. Thats right. Millions of acres of land they have leased the title to from the federal government. These sites are sitting idle.

    Next, there are still over 68,000,000 drillable acres of federal land and offshore sites available for private companies to drill.

    Big Oil is creating a distraction! They go on these Public Relations Campaigns to blame liberals, democrats and environmentalist. They do this to keep the average American off their backs.


    - big oil has proven oil sites sitting idle

    - big oil won't even lease the 68,000,000 acres of drillable land and offshore sites available (more land than the size of Colorado).

    - big oil is making record profits.

  3. I am obsessed with the belief that Arnold - the Governor of California is always right!

    So if he is against offshore drilling -

    that must be the correct answer.

  4. Of course. The USA needs to increase production to decrease our dependence on middle eastern oil. And to drive down prices.

  5. Not to be too blunt; but, I would point out that China is drilling off the shore of Cuba.   I do not hear any Green objection.  In fact, where is Greenpeace?   Maybe, they would not like to attempt to destroy a Chinese rig or one rented to the Chinese?   It is a double standard and a hypocritcal act  on the part of the U.S. liberal party.

  6. We should look into it...yes.

  7. To reduce our dependence on foreign countries (middle east) yes we should look into offshore drilling.

  8. Cons:

    The statistics from a government agency

    (the Energy Information Administration)

    show that drilling would only produce

    1 percent of the country's daily consumption.

    Production would begin in 2017 and there would

    be no impact on oil prices.


    Drilling advocates say:

    Congress could remove its existing moratorium

    so oil companies can start drilling sooner.

    Energy companies have an incentive

    now because crude oil is higher.


    Americas top sources for oil are:

    1. Canada

    2. Saudi Arabia

    3. Venezuela

    4. Mexico

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