
Should the US not compete.....?

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On a world level? I have seen a lot of anti-American sediments on this forum from people from different countries (yet they don't state where they are from), and wonder if it would be in their/the worlds best interest for the US not to compete (at anything). At least it would give some people/countries a chance to feel better about themselves.

I am very proud of my country, but with all the b!tching I have seen, I feel sorry for their low self esteem.




  1. it just gets boring when the same country wins so often.and thing is u noe compared to some other countries, their athletes have a better chance anyways due to the money factor and all that comes out of it.look id be bored and pissed if my own country won over and over again.i like variety.else every other country apart from the big ones might as well not bother.

    and yeah we do like americas help even though we dont love them winning soo many medal.even in ur personal life u have to suck up to the bigger person jst cos it benifits you.dont lie to urself.anyhow the olympics isnt meant to be so political.

  2. I am British and i think any sport would be lacking without the involvement of the USA. let down sometimes by under achievement and sometimes by the pressure to win by any means ( Drugs) Marion Jones, Justin Gatlin and the Rumours of Flo Jo. America has some great athletes Michael Johnson, Phelps, Mark Spitz to name but a few The Great tussles of sport and the camaraderie of the USA would be missed. Long may they compete.

  3. The US should continue to compete at world level.

    But the USA should not be so arrogant towards serious issues such as war, the USA should learn to respect other countries instead of constantly insulting their cultures (keeping in mind the only culture USA has is fast food) and the people in the USA really need to wake up and start looking at the facts instead of the propaganda.

    Personally I feel that the modern American is rather arrogant and judging by average IQ quite easily lead by media. No one criticizes the USA for the wrong reasons and no one cares about you competing on the world stage it's more about how you feel your the saviors of the world and in that process decide that insulting other nations is ok. This makes everyone else feel they can as well.

    EDIT: Read the answers which are by Americans here and tell me that the point I made hasn't been proven. You say other countries are nice when they need your help... Uhmmm The other countries are not fighting ghost wars like the USA and the UN (excluding USA) have more then enough miltary and finance to fight their own wars but the UN (excluding USA) is also lead by intelligent leaders and have systems where the best can only become leaders.

  4. We can't be loved 100% of the time. They only love us when they need us. I love the USA (and the OBX too...wish I lived there)!

    PS To answer your question, yes we should continue to compete. We're not quitters after all!

  5. I am a proud Canadian.

    we have something like 15 medals i think but i am proud of our whole Olympic  team over there.

    I have no problem with the American athletes or the fact that your country has won so many medals it truly is a great accomplishment.

    I DO however bag on the American people who automatically assume that someone else cheated if they won a medan.

    Case in point.Why do some people automatically feel the Jamaicans cheated in track.

    i say p**s on it be proud of your country celebrate thier wins but also thier defeat.At least they are skilled enough to compete at that level.

    Enjoy the rest of the games.

  6. It's good that you are proud of your country, but pride in your country and an unshakable belief that your country is the best in the world and always right are two different things. That kind of nationalism is what led to the n***s. "Deutschland uber alles" (Germany above others). The Germans no longer sing that verse in their national anthem.

    My country right or wrong?

    Samual Johnson said "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

  7. As long as zey pay, zey can play.

    Zat is my motto

  8. Yea, America should host its own version of the Olympics but the states compete or something.

    America is too well funded and competes in nearly every event giving everyone an unfair chance.

  9. I think the U.S. should compete against the world in sports. If they don't like it, that's too bad.

  10. But they are always nice when they want our money, help, and troops to get foreign invaders off Main Street for them

  11. I agree, the U.S. should pull out of the Olympics as well as the UN, we'll survive just fine without either.

  12. gotta grow thick skin. Power produces envy, and floodlights are always shined on our missteps. We certainly have no more misteps than any other country, just that ours are under more scrutiny due to the power our nation has in global politics.

    In anycase we have bozos who slander other countries, why not bozos that slander ours?

    Don't think the majority of the American population thinks the Jamaicans cheated, the yelling of the few can make people think the same of the whole (who are generally quiet), just look at the middle-east, or n**i Germany.

  13. So what if some people bash our country

    That is part of being good at sports

    Did you watch the swimming, did it seem like most of the people that made the medal round trained in the US?

    Could you image a country like China, letting other top swimmers got and train in there country

    The US are different

    The truth is, in the US, if you have money for top training you can get it, and it does not matter what country you are from

  14. I hear ya, let's give em a break, after all they probably live in sh'tholes...

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