
Should the US pressure Thailand to allow Americans to own property?

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Thais can come to the US and buy property. And it seems a bit unfair for US citizens to comply with rules that are exclusionary.




  1. NO....US should mind their own business , US shouldn't meddle too much in other country.Each country have their own rules if you find it unfair then don't buy.

  2. Wouldn't it be nice (beach boys)  however just purchase a new home and the land is in the wife name.  Poor me.

    Yes all  you regulars.  Moving to Ratchaburi in the next two months.

  3. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    US imperialism must end now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Of cause NOT!..

    Imagine how worst Thailand is going to be? We are poorer...less money.. IF we allow foreigners to own property ,what is left to call Thailand? They can afford anything they want....We will have nothing left...and finally turns to be small labour in our OWN country.

    I really don't agree....If we use the same currency....then perhaps Yes but I wonder if that will ever happens....

    Moreover..havn't Thais been prssured enough already?

  5. good question and interesting answers- - I go along with the not owning crowd - - I think citing what can be done in USA is not a valid perspective here and I think as an American we cannot come here and expect it to be in any way like US - - which is appearing more and more screwed up every year...

    My wife is from a poor family - - I am glad that the land and house that I provided the funds for represent a "gift" from me to the family - - seems as I get older [ now 110 ] the less I feel a need to own anyway...

  6. What Thailand does is their business and the Thai Government would be ill advised to allow any country, especially the USA, to dictate Thai policies.

    In reality it works out very fairly for everyone. US citizens can't own property in Thailand becuase they are not allowed to, and Thais can't own property in the USA because they can't afford to. These rules exclude rich Thais and rich Americans, who can own property in both the USA and Thailand.

  7. I don't think that will happen and believe it or not the US government has no interest in changing property laws in various countries. If they were, they would change the laws in Mexico first before worrying about a country as distant as Thailand.

    Every country has the right to protect their cheap property and while that may seem a little unjust for an individual, it is the law of the land. Just like the death penalty for drugs in Thailand may seem extreme & inhumane for the West.

  8. I don't think it would be a bad idea at all.

    Why? Because Thais would be up in arms if, for example, the USA would forbid Thai nationals to buy real estate and limit them to exactly what they allow foreigners in Thailand.

    After 60 years of debating, discussing, suggesting, hinting I don't think much will change unless some influential nations would suggest the Thai government to forget the idea Thailand is an isle.

    I love Thailand, love the Thais, fully abide the laws. Don't want to vote, but it would sure be nice if I could buy a house. I'm not going to dig out the precious soil and ship it elsewhere!

  9. My knee jerk reaction to this question was very negative, especially since I am very opposed to constant American intervention in the internal politics of every country where they perceive they can get a benefit from.

    If however, I try to be objective, I must admit that in most foreign relations; countries go for a t*t-for-tat situation: If you require a visa from my citizens, I will require a visa from yours etc. SO: USA pressurising any country for rights for their citizens similar to what that countries people have in USA seems to me to be the norm.

  10. No

    The United States should leave other countries alone. I have been convincing it is injustice for the US to declare War in Iraq (I did it before the Bush Administration found out no WMDs in Iraq). Why did Obama campaigned in Germany?  My point is the US have enough bad records such as being busy body and/or bully.

    Seriously, the US and Thailand found from different principles. The US is an immigrant country. Since 1800s, there are millions and millions of immigrants in the United States each years and soon enough they buy a house and become a US citizenship. On the other hand, Thailand (land of Thais). Since Thais established its own nation (Sukothai dynasty). Thais don't want Burma or Cambodian in Thailand.

    We have a few wars with the next door nations over land for centuries. Since WWII, all SE Asian nations are colonized by British and French governments. Thais love independent and our King Rama V gave up some land in Malaysia, Burma, Laos, and Cambodia to remain an independent nation. After that, Thai law and regulation are very tight about foreign ownership in Thailand.

    If you ask many older Thais (including the present king Rama IX). They tend to refuse foreign investment because they are so afaird of foreigners will rule Thailand oneday.

  11. Personally think the answer should be no, however a forgiener can own a condo...The issue is not the property per se, as the law talks about the land which a forgiener cannot own outright.

    ... but to add to this, think people who live in Thailand long term and are here legally, should be allowed to own property/land in their own name, within say somebody have lived/worked in Thailand legally on a W/P for say 5 years would be permitted to own up to 1 rai of land....same would apply for legal retiree;s or legally married to a Thai national..  

  12. I agree with you in principle. If you choose to live in Thailand and pay taxes to the Government, and spend your money to help the Thai economy, why shouldn't you be allowed to buy land? That said, it won't happen for the reasons others have given before me. Thailand is mostly a poor country economically and Americans would start a land rush, grabbing up everything simply because we can afford to do so. Plus, I really enjoy my travels to Thailand, and I think you probably enjoy living there. If Thailand became just like America, would you still want to live there?

  13. no becuase the thai's are nowhere near as rich as us citizens so all that would happen is US citizens would buy up all land and housing leave none left for the thais. Then house prices would rise an they'd all be left homless. Plus i dont think they want a load of americans living in there houses wrecking the place and boasting about how much beer they can drink.

  14. I don't think so, unless your name is Shinawatra how many Thais do you think can afford to buy property in America and how many Thais are allowed to live in or even visit America with the tight immigration policies there? At least Thailand allows Americans with moderate incomes to live and retire here in Thailand, that certainly isn't the case for Thais in America. The average American could easily afford a home or property in Thailand, the vast majority of Thais couldn't even afford a month's rent in America. I think it would be a safe guess to say that the number of Americans who own condos and buy property through corporations, leases and wives in Thailand is considerably higher than the number of Thais who own property in America. Although it may not seem fair on the surface, I think in the end it more than evens out. If Thailand were to open the country to foreign property ownership, half of the country would be bought out in a year. I don't see anything wrong with Thailand wanting to preserve the majority of property ownership for the Thai people, and just like most things here, there always seems to be a way around it if you want it bad enough, just ask Kuhn Bob.

  15. This is a good question. An American comes to Thailand, starts a business, provides good jobs for Thais, pays taxes. Finds a sweetie and gets married. Has kids. Pays dearly  to put them in the International education system. Yet when it comes time to buy a house for his family, no way, the house and land have to belong to the wife. This can cause all kinds of marital discord, forcing the issue or prenuptial agreements and other kinds of other issues.

    The real question that should be asked and asked and asked again, because it is hidden deeply  like a dark secret, is


    And the Thai government worries about one American having one house and a small plot of land for his family?

    If the Thais new the truth, they wouldn't be so against an American owning a home here.

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