
Should the US stop acting like it owns the world?

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The US taunts Russia about its human rights abuses and yet the US decided to go alone and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lets bring the Nuclear destruction of Japan into this too which killed over years millions. So how dare the US lecture Russia in human rights when it was Russia who sacrificed themselves in the order of 10 million to win world war 2. The US should shut the **** up and deal with their own issues instead of trampling all around the world putting up bases when they see fit and prodding Russia with a stick constantly. The bear will bite back and it will.




  1. You sound like a commie wannabe

  2. No,the US should not stop. You sitting at your computer with your sharp tongue is living proof. If Germany, or Japan had conquered the US, you would be eating road kill, and teaching your children how to hate. Wow, does that sound like Iran?

  3. American foreign policy over the past few years has been completely flawed. America fails to recognize that it is the only nation that has used nuclear weapons and chemical weapons (Vietnam) on another nation or peoples.

    The leaders of America have created a sort of illusion for its citizens making it seem like America is a beacon of hope and freedom while it is nothing but a nation that is intent on spreading its power as far as possible using all means fair or foul.

    Soon everyone will be America's enemy (Russia, China, Iran already are) (India and Brazil are on the fence and will not be too long before they cross)

  4. Then The WORLD need to stop asking the US to stop atrocity's or for our help!


  5. Not much you can do about it, is there, junior?

    We can march all over you and your country and in the blink of an eye, send you and yours soaring back to the days of the dinosaur.

  6. i did not know russia won WWII.  and millions have not died in iraq. japan had a chance to surrender and chose not to, all the while they were about to develope their own nuclear bomb. japan had an opportunity to surrender before the hioshima bomb and they refused. had they the war would have ended. they had a chance to surrender before nagisaki, and they did not. how many more millions would have died had the war not end. and how is it the fault of the USA that japan did not end the war? the "bear" has lost half of it's population over the past twenty years and how they must have cringed whan the leaders of the "near-abroad" came together with the georgian president. russia is a bully and they offer the world nothing politically. it amazes me why the people of russia put up witht those tyrants. and did you forget about the russian gulags and the development of the siberian part of russia. i guess they got those people there with promises of freedom. it makes me laugh.

  7. Because or Economy is triple that of Russias and 2x that of China....and our Military is decades ahead of them we are the worlds only superpower regardless of what the media says and tries to make it look like for the time being the US is the strongest nation in the world......and this **** about the Russians can invade any1 they want cause the US has no troops the Russians should remeber that we still have 400000 troops all across Europe if we wanted to we could easily deploy troops to help Georgia but we don't because were not the warmongars people make us out to be we use force as a last resort....

  8. I think so.  But then that would take all of the wind out of the fascist movement that the super rich, neocons and fundamentalist Christians have worked so hard to build. Nazgul and schneider:  There's a difference between helping people and blowing them up.  What are you saying?  If we help you, we own you?  With friends like that...

  9. We do own the world.

  10. Americans are fat, stupid and insulated from reality.  Their big thought is whether to buy a Snowmobile or not.  That's why an arrogant little zero like Bush sits in the White House.

    Unfortunately the US does own the world pretty much - but that power is fading along with the dollar.  We're such a powerful country that we don't have to get along with anybody.  

    Reality will intrude in time, but in the meantime, arrogance will probably remain our main manufactured item.

    Wouldn't it be nice to have legitimate leadership???


  11. Nope, never.

  12. As the # 1 super power we must stand up and show that Genocide, rape, and murder, will not be permitted in this day and age. Would you stand by and watch people be robbed, raped or murdered, if you had the resources to stop it?

  13. The US are very ignorant of the world they supposedly control. Most of them cant even find their own country on the map, albeit there are some people who have brains. the US doesn't -own- the world as they lead on. one on one, they can indeed take down most military's. But collectivley, the EU, if it adopts their supposed Constitution, and become on whole nation, they will be the next superpower. US is better then all the other nations, yeah, but the world is becoming closer and closer allied with eachother. and if the US asserts its superority over other nations, chances are there is going to be more then one nation against the U.S., we all agree the US has its allies, thus making it a superpower. but alone, they are only a small portion of the world. and only a small portion of the world economy. if the US continues to consider it above the rules, and superior to everyone else, everyone will go against it. the US would become increasingly isolated. If the US continues to run roughshot over the world, its only a matter of time before the other major powers of the world-Russia, China, European union-- start going against the US.

    but if the US keeps going on this track, of an increasing low IQ rates, slow economy building, at this rate, by 2050, they will no longer be a superpower.

    im not hitting on the US, i dont support nor hate the US. but i will say this, if the US doesnt get off its ***, stop acting like king, above all else in the world, and start actouly doing something creative. they wont be on top for long. the people that made the US a superpower, not to long ago, are now old men, its up to the future US generation to insure US superiority. and as things look now, they dont seem to be doing such a good job.

  14. Yes we should stop acting like it. I understand why we nuked Japan, and i understand why we went into afghanistan (not iraq though! F**k that place!) The case with russia and georgia is that america is being a hypocrat. Russia gave georgia independence yet georgia will not give independence to South Ossettia and the US is ok with that...FUNNY! and all we are doing is talking now because our forces are stretched too thin to do anything about it! As a russian immigrant and a proud US citizen i have to say that i agree with russia on this one.  

  15. hey, don't forget the 20 million of their own citizens killed in communitst purges or the massacre of polish officer cadets in the katayn forest.  I'm sure they all deserved it some how.  Russian foreign policy hasn't changed from the time of the Czars.  So do you consider it ok that they threaten their neighbors who petition to join NATO or are just tired of trading with a corrupt gov't?  I'm sure telling the Ukraine that since they've joined NATO that they are now a nuclear target is nothing big though or threatening the rest of the baltic states that are now full NATO members.  Some how the US will always be the bad guys regardless of what other countries do.  I mean the Russians are so well known for their foreign aid.  Their little invasion of Afghanistan, Hungry, and others that stood up to them should just be over looked.  h**l, when I was a kid in the 80's they could barely even feed their own people.  There's a model government if I ever saw one.

    What I would love is if the rest of the world would stop complaining when we do take action.  They ***** and moan about how could the US allow suffering to go on and when we do act we're the bad guys anyway.  How about the rest Europe clean up the messes it made in the middle east and africa that resulted from thier colonialism and leave us the h**l alone.  

    We were attacked by terrorists based out of Afghanistan what country wouldn't have gone in.  Certainly the UK would have and did along with us.  Iraq isn't so simple, but if you really want to be technical they had been violating UN security council resolutions since the end of the Gulf War and the UN and the rest of Europe that were even helping violate the resolutions (France in particular) didn't want to do anything about it.  The UN has proven itself to be useless, yet even when leaders (Koiffi Anon & son) made a lot of money dealing with the "food for oil" with Iraq noone complains.  We go in remove a dictator that violated UN resolutions and it's illegal and immoral.  yeah ok.

  16. You should stop using Answers for your political rants, a*****e.

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