
Should the USA care what the rest of the world thinks of her?

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Should the USA care what the rest of the world thinks of her?




  1. Only if Americans want to be able to trade with and travel in other countries and keep foreigners from wanting to fly airplanes into our skyscrapers.

  2. Other countries don't care what others think of them.

    And while it's nice if other countries like us, it's not important. It should not be a factor in advancing our own national interests.

  3. Yes, of course. I was in Scotland not long ago.  I was accosted by a gentleman in a Pub, who walked up to me and said, "Ye're American, I kin tell!  Ye're a bunch of bloody murderin' fools!" Then he walked away, giving me no chance to reply.  All eyes in the room were on me, and not one offered an ounce of sympathy.  This is not the way Americans were perceived several years ago, but it is prevalent today.

      Now I have to tell my American flag story. Several people were stranded on an island in the jungle. After days of worry, hunger and despair, they saw a ship approaching. They were frightened. It could be pirates. It could be a hostile group!  

    Then they saw the Old Glory blowing in the breeze, the familiar red, white and blue that is known throughout the world.  How many of us would recognize the flag of another country?  Not many, but everyone recognizes the American flag!  This stranded group was jubilant, because they knew they were safe, that they would be rescued, because the Americans had arrived.

    We need the high opinion of our fellow nations.  We do not want to be perceived as arrogant, aggressive, brutal and stupid!  We want to be the best of the best, the highest in esteem, the proudest country in the world....proud because we have the right combination of pride and compassion. We are Americans and we want to hold our heads high and our smiles bright!

  4. a bunch of 5 year olds are playing in the sandbox.

    one is a bully. he thinks he is bigger and badder than the rest and, much to the chagrin of the others, displays this in his sandbox behavior.

    eventually the other kids get fed up with the headstrong, bullish way of the bully. they band together and exclude the bully from any activity they can.

    when it's time to trade marbles they do it away from him. he gets short of marbles (loses his marbles?)

    at lunch they hide their food and eat it quickly before the bully can take it away. the bully goes hungry.

    they stand together and don't let the bully push anyone around . if the bully wants to fight one of them he'll have to fight all of them!

    it's just a story, but the sandbox is the world.

    the bully, in the eyes of some, is the USA.

    this perception, be it correct or not, is not condusive to the long term well being of America. we need to trade marbles and food in an increasing global ecomony.

    we need to remember that going forward.

    "Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation."

  5. Absolutely.  If everyone hates us, how do you think that will affect our national security?

  6. absolutely not.

  7. meh, not so much

  8. Yes. We need allies and fair trade, so yes - I think we should care.

  9. Do you care about your neighbors? Good neighbors watch out for each other.

  10. If you want to be an ignorant fool with your head in the sand, you shouldn't care.

    Never mind, if the rest of the world don't give a rats behind for your rotten Dollar after 8 years of that.

  11. I could care less.  I wish more Americans would live in Europe for themselves for awhile so you could care less too.  Go see these people who consider us below them.  Please.  lol

    We're still going to have allies and trade partners, Pretty Pie.  That's what Dems don't get -- other countries benefit from our trade and our ecomony and our defense of them..  Let the little haters hate.  Their leaders know how their country benefits.

  12. It would depend at how you look at it.

    They should not care because they are ruling it the way they want to and they are basically the most powerful continent in the world.They are a rich country.

    They should card because if they don't do anything about what tourists say then possibly millions will lose there jobs and they would slowly but surely loose there money.If there is some things that the USA don't do that the rest of the world don't like then it could cause some seriously bad trouble for the USA.

  13. I don't think so. Even though the ideas and influences of others matters, what should matter most to us is the opinion of the American people.

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