
Should the USA come to the aid of Georgia with its military?

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Should the USA support its allie Georgia or let it be taken over? They helped us in Iraq. So I think we at least if nothing more should send supplies. Maybe send in some Seals to **** some **** up. We could send in a MEU "Marine expiditionary force." Or do we sit it out and do nothing but pound the pulpit and say bad Russia.




  1. Its hard to say because we are up to our elbows with the Iraq war. However, this war can cause a lot of damage (oil rights?) so......

  2. I think the USA is doing enough in helping with the redeployment of Georgia's troops out of Iraq and back to their homeland... otherwise, I think it is wise for America to stay off center stage.

  3. According to intelligence information, it happend yet. But it is as covered as USSR military councillor's presence in Vietnam.

    Corrective: I mean that in Georgia there are our military councillors. About 20.

  4. No

    Please no

    I am South African I know you may feel this has nothing to do with me, but if the USA clashes with Russia again that will affect the entire world.

    Russia is not Iraq they acually have WMD's.

  5. You're not talking about some little country that the United States can just go in slap around like it did in Iraq. This is a super that has lots of nukes themselves that the U.S. probably sold them. So even going in we already know that there are weapons of mass destruction with the finger of a possible mad scientist at the controls and on the button. Even though this may turn out to be just another massive con by the super powers to further the gains of the weapons industry, It may not be wise for the U.S. to make matters worse not just for the U.S. but for the world....  

  6. If we let it get taken over then that sends a bad signal to the rest of the world.  Especially other satelite nations like Ukraine which is strategically important to us against our former enemy (the old USSR).

    Unless we could secure staging areas in Turkey, that type of operation would probably be left to the Army maybe the 82nd Airborne.  Have airdrop tanks, artillery etc. enough to secure a base and stronghold in Southern Georgia for airlifts and an airbase for the Airforce.

  7. No. The other NATO member nations can handle this one.

  8. They already have:;...

  9. Good thing both sides agreed to a truce lets just hope it will last. If we did come to their aid with our military Russia would be steam rolled over. We have not only a standing army twice the size of Russia's but more money, better equipment, better training, and we have a vast production capability. Not to even mention twice the population.

  10. Oh, I'm waiting for the Seals to arrive in Georgia so much! Then it will be the formal declaration of war! Nukes flying! Cities exploding! End of this world at last!

    Are you serious?

  11. The USA will only pick on nations that are weak and can not fight back. (Think Iraq) The USA will not help Georgia. The USA  knows we will get buried.

  12. It is too volatile of a situation for the US to intervene with regular forces. Supplies would be the very most they could offer. Sadly, it has come to this; after only a little over a decade of independence, Georgia will be taking her historic place as part of Russia once again.

    At the least, it will serve to dissuade Ukraine from continuing to seek NATO membership, which is a primary goal of Russia's.

  13. people are wrong, it was the USA that started this conflict, according to news reports from alex jones


  14. The only way to do it would be to send "aide" to the people of Georgia along with about two light infantry brigades to help insure the aide gets there ok. Make sure the Russians know that we have orders not to fire unless fired upon. Once we get into the region, the Russians will be in the same spot we are now. they don't want to start something really nasty.

  15. The US needs to take a conservative road here. A situation like this can turn into WW3 really easy. According to many websites. Russia has the second most powerful military in the world, the US must not jump the gun.

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