
Should the USA draw closer to the UK??? I mean after all it's our Motherland.?

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they gave us a great monarch.....William of Orange....




  1. Shows how much u know! Only the original 13 states were under British control, and we REBELED! The largest chunk of land in the US was FRENCH owned, then purchased in 1803 by the US. Other states like Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, California... were under Spanish Control. Alaska once belonged to Russia! New York was originally under control of the Netherlands.

    Our government is not inherited from them either. We are a republic, they are a constitutional monarchy. Our government was directly influenced by Rome and Greece.

    The majority of Americans have little or no British blood, either.

    And many Americans of Native decent might take exception at your statement as well!

    To your question, another question, we don't need to "draw" or rely on anyone.

  2. I think it would benefit us both greatly.  I say that as an American.

  3. USA must be in close alliance with the UK because they are practically blood relatives.

  4. Draw closer?  How?  They're already our closest ally.

    I'm afraid you're REALLY confused about history, or at least pronouns.  The British gave "us" Americans William of Orange?  You mean, the Dutch gave the British William of Orange.

  5. If you remember motherland or not, we rebelled against them.  But I lived in the UK.  I love it there and we could learn a lot from eachother.  An whether they want to admit it or not, they are becoming more Americanized all the time.

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