
Should the USA work together with the UN to prevent the collapse of third-world states?

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Should the USA work together with the UN to prevent the collapse of third-world states?




  1. Yes, all nations that are capable of working together with the United Nations should do what they can in order to prevent the collapse of underdeveloped nations.

  2. No, US tax dollar should only be spent on things that are in our national interest.  Propping up tin horn dictators and failed socialist states doesn't rise to the level of a compelling national interest.

  3. No, I think we should get out of the UN altogether.  The UN has become corrupt.  We're not involved with the UN's Human Rights Council anymore for that very reason.

  4. no

  5. that is the UN's job, but lately, the US has been straying away from them and working alone.

    i actually think we need a more precise organization to help us with foreign affairs. we need an organization that brings countries together and simply talks about peace and how we can rebuild the world, together.

    that would definitely help prevent the collapse of these third-world countries

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