
Should the United Kingdom keep the monarchy?

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The UN's Human Rights Council said the Government should 'think' about holding a referendum on the issue, to see if people would prefer to live in a Republican state with a written constitution.

The monarchy costs each adult in Britain around 62p a year - but even groups representing taxpayers said there was no case for getting rid of it.

The council has 29 members including Saudi Arabia, Cuba and Sri Lanka.

It was the Sri Lankan envoy who raised concerns over the British monarchy.

But a Royal spokesman has said the public haven't haven't displayed any appetite for a referendum.

The UN report was also critical of the UK's treatment of immigrants from Sudan.

Syria accused the UK of discriminating against Muslims and Iran complained about the UK's record on tackling sexual discrimination.




  1. NO...

  2. The monarchy is something to be proud of, what's 62p a year anyway.

  3. Yes..they should

  4. Yes, but just to preserve their customs.

  5. wat have the last two sentences got to do with the UK having a Monarchy?

    We should keep the Monarchy! personally I couldn't imagine England without it...

  6. Yes.  The Royal family, with their contacts around the world, procure a large amount of business/money for Britain.  In addition, tourism and its income would suffer.

  7. the UN can get stuffed. who  do they think they are trying to tell us what do do? the  cheek of it. our royal family belong to us. we can moan about them if we want to. we can cheer them .we can watch their weddings,  funerals etc. its our choice not the bloody UN.

  8. Why do i think that its not just the UN, that other 2 letter organistation would love to get rid of our monarchy, the EU. Theres no room in a federalist state for monarchies.

  9. The Queen is the head of my country and should always stay so.

  10. No!

    They're just a bunch of glorified scroungers.

  11. Yes. The UK already tried Republican rule with Cromwell and it FAILED!

    Those oher countries need to do some historical research,but first take care of their own problems!

  12. 62p a year. what is that? tell the un to f*ck off and keep their nose out of my country .

    question-- how cool does poland look like to live in?

  13. I personally love the Royal Family, The Queen only costs each British person 67p a year.

    Without the Royal Family, The Royal Air Force would no longer be royal, The Royal navy would have to change,

    The Royal Mail, (did you know the British stamp with the Queens head on is the only stamp in the world that doesnt need to have the countries name written on it as everyone recognises Queen Elizabeths Head)

    The Australians would have to rename thier postal service, thier air force, thier navy.

    The commonwealth will be abolished.

    No a monarchy has always been, is and will always be part of the British culture and should stay that way.

    Im proud to be living under a monarchy and still enjoy more rights and freedoms then people living in America (Land of the free?)

    Republics fail often

  14. What has the UN got to do with our internal affairs? These questions are a bit rich coming from countries like Sri Lanka with its shabby record of internal strife and Iran with its  violations of human rights relating in particular to sexual discrimination.

    To answer the question: Yes we should keep our monarchy. If it is ever to go, it must be our decision, not that of outsiders.

    To all you Americans: how would you like a request from the UN  to scrap your president and place a direct descendant of George Washinton on the throne you haven't had since 1776? Ridiculous? Would you take it seriously enough to calll a referndum?? No, bet you wouldn't. If you think that even this  suggestion is stupid, then you know how we feel about this bit of claptrap from the UN..

  15. Yes, we should. Sri Lanka can get stuffed as can Iran. WTF has our Monarchy to do with any other country, or the UN come to that?

  16. i have never been an ardent royalist,but if the Queen were to be replaced by a republic then our heritage,culture & history would slide in to the abyss!

    a politically correct liberal elite,would destroy a 1000 year old institution.

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