
Should the United States Government provide health care for all of its citizens?

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I need to create a poll for my English class about universal health care. So, answer please!





  1. For all adults NO, for all uninsured children YES.

  2. care is not a right.  Every government that instituted single payer health care ended up rationing it.  There are huge waits in England and Canada for routine procedures and even longer waits for more sophisticated procedures.  Canadians come to the US to get good and quick care.

    Also Just wait and see how expensive health care is once it's free.

  3. Most Americans, make everything into political issues rather than seeing the benefits services like this will help them as well as the American public.

    Yet these opinionated  people believe the world is going to end on the 12/21/12. Global warming is a myth, their currently living in biblical revelation and Superman will save them.

    I know the universal health care system works, because I live and work in a country which has it. The myths are 100% B.S. and totally rubbish, I always see the doctor I want to see and receive top class medical treatment. I don't have a group of donut eating insurance people reading or discussing all my private personel medical files openly in some focus group.  

    I find all the HG Welles paranoid hype made up of this, that and the other by deluded people who have no clue what so ever or knows how the universal health system works really hilarious. As much as hearing when War of the Worlds was broadcasted and people believed Martians were invading the United States.

  4. No. Under the U. S. Constitution you are not guaranteed health insurance. Only life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  5. The US already provides healthcare through DSHS. I found this out when I was hit with cancer last year. For those willing to seek out help our nation will help. I won't give much credit to the US government for most of its recent actions but I will acknowledge their ability to supply care to those in need....but you MUST actively seek it out!

  6. Of course.  The wealthy interests are too cheap to fork out the money for a reasonable health care system for everyone. They'd prefer to have a system that works better for people who have more money.

    More progressive societies such as Canada and France have good working systems providing universal health coverage, but you'll never hear about that through corporate controlled media in the US.

    For a credible explanation, go the the Ralph Nader for President 2008 web site. That candidacy has also been totally ignored by mass media.  If he was given half a chance, he would be our next president.

    Bob W:  You are either totally ignorant, a wealthy snob, or a paid blogger. Your statements are in stark contrast to those citizens I've met from Canada and England.

  7. NO!

    They already provide FREE health care for poor people.

    Google MediCal, Medicare, Medicaid... you will see that this is true.

    Also, it is against federal law, for a hospital emergency room to deny treatment to anyone because they can't pay.

    So everyone is getting health care.

    There is no logical reason to provide it for those who can pay for it, other than the fact that the government wants more control over our lives, because that gives them more political power.

    And confiscating a giant industry like Health Care is a good way to do it.

  8. Don't you think Health care is a basic need?  So the government should provide basic needs right?  Well then what about food?  It doesn't get much basic than that.  How about housing?  And clothing?  Shouldn't the government provide ALL of these basic needs?

  9. Yes - it should be free at the point of entry .... everyone's life is precious - health care should not be for the preserve of those that can afford it .

    If they can find millions upon millions for war and armaments and deep space exploration ...then how much more a worthy cause would adequate health care be.

  10. No.

    Once we are responsible for everybody, we can tell everybody how to behave. No more unhealthy eating, mandatory vaccinations, no smoking/alchohol.

    It's pretty much opening pandoras box for Social Tyranny.

    Plus it doesn't work... it only makes the patients condition worse.

    Our system of corporatism sucks though, we need to return to a truly free market system.

  11. Putting aside all politics on this just one thing the Government does well?

    Take a look at the IRS, the DMV, Social Security, or the Welfare Dept.

    And people want the Government to be in charge of their health care too??????

    Not me, the Government screws up just about everything they touch, I sure don't want them in an appointment between me and my doctor!

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