
Should the United States continue their membership in the United Nations?

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Should the United States continue their membership in the United Nations?




  1. UN is a slow organization, that´s right. But that is normal if u try to keep all states of our world in one house.

    USA ist the most important money giver for that organization, that´s right, too. Nevertheless UN sometimes ist deciding against US. But we should not blame UN for that. On the contrary: It is the most important issue of UN general assembly and UN security council and International Court of Justice that they are not depending on their money givers! (That should be worth a lot of money and lots of compromisses.)

    From my point of view UN activities are very important for world peace and will become very important for all of us because we will need a global player who is able to arrange global solutions about our Environment, espacially global warming.

    But UN connot excist without US. It is impossible to see a world organization without the world leader!

  2. No, it is far more costly to us than the benefits that accrue to the few are worth.  We Americans pay a good portion of the UN's budget and get little in return for it.

  3. I have no love of the UN.  My feelings stem primarilly from the squandering of ability, talent, treasure, time and goodwill that is rife within the organization which completely betrays the potential for doing that which is right and good that is so ably masked by its administration.  That this would culminate in trying to quash the Global War on Terror at its inception, a policy for which I have clamored since the Marine Baracks in Beiruit were blown up in 1983 was just confirmation that they don't know what they are doing and have no appreciation for what they could accomplish.


    There is one simple and overwhelming reason, however, that the US must remain a member and engaged in the UN.  Its not the veto we have in the Security Council either (though that helps).


    Its real estate.


    The UN HQ is in NYC.  All those nations send delegations *here* to have their meetings.  Where else can we find such a potentially rich source of foreign intelligence?


    Think about it; each delegation has a staff--they go to public places and say things they shouldn't, perhaps a slip or perhaps induced in some manner, each delegation has communcations withtheir sponsor nation--if it can be transmitted it can be intercepted, if it can be encoded it can be decrypted.


    The UN does stupid things like letting Syria and Cuba chair Human Rights Commissions, but at least they do it here where we can keep an eye on them.

  4. Short Answer: No! Long answer: Absolutely, emphatically no! And Canada too !!!... The U.N. started out as a good thing, but, it quickly deteriorated into a place of gabfest and finger pointing with nothing being done except by the U.S. who refused to play along with this bad joke of an excuse for a place to negotiate international disputes.

  5. but the US is not a democracy.  It's led by corporations.

  6. No. The world would be better without their intervention in world decisions, and without their vetoes in the Security Council.

  7. Most certainly the USofA should continue its membership in the UN.  America is a huge part of the global community and frankly any cooperation is SOME cooperation.  The UN is not a waste of time.  It is absolutely vital in international relations.  It's important to remember that it's only about 50 years old... it's a baby and it's still evolving, and frankly, it offers a fresh perspective in I.R and a bright outlook, to put it simply.

  8. Yes. There are many nations who depend on humanitarian aid from us.

  9. h**l no !!!!!! the un is a ******** joke and a total waste of money.way to go abu!

  10. NO NO NO!!  We give more money to them than any other country and they constantly vote against America.  They hate America.  We should get out of the U.N.

  11. There is no reason not to continue their membership with the UN.  The UN provides a forum for nearly 200 nations to voice opinions and greivances against one another without resorting to conflict or attrition.  While many people within the U.S. see the UN as a defunct organization or one that is not in line with the views or interests of the United States, it does provide several elements that are beneficial to us, we just dont readily see them.  Primarily, the UN helps the US by maintaining international stability.  Although the US could possibly attempt this by itself, it helps with burden sharing and the free-rider problem.  Also, it legitimizes the U.S.'s claims when it is backed by the UN and subsequently deligitimizes them when they are not.  If the U.S. were to lose the UN, it would make them the only democracy in the world that does not take part, and if we are to be the supposed ultra-democracy, then we should maintain our status with the UN.  We essentially created it, it is headquarted in our country, I dont see any valid reason to give up our membership.  Oh, minus the $20B we spend a year in membership dues (although we dont really pay them lol).

  12. Totally agree with Abu, the UN would do a much better job without the intervention of the US!!!!!

  13. For a comparison, Hunt up the "League of Nations", the forerunner of the UN, and take a look how effective that was.

    What did the League accomplish during it's tenure?

    When did the League die?

    When you find the answers, look once more on the UN, and it's future.


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