
Should the United States federal government substantially increase alternative energy incentives?

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Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase alternative energy incentives in the United States.

Why or why not?




  1. They don't have to give them incentives; disincentive the use of oil (add taxes to it when used as a fuel) and markets will take off for other energy sources.

    Everyone seems to be turning towards electric cars but will the electrical grid support it?  We need small local utilities to go back to local sources of energy the way grist mills used to use water wheels to grind grain. That would still work and not require areas to be flooded with dams.

  2. No, allthough all incentives for every energy company should be raised in the form of less market restriction and less taxes.

    A true free market would yield the near perfect solution. Supply and demand. Once government steps in for, or against, it breaks up the natural flow of consumer demand, product supply and value.

    A perfect example is...Government stepping in to push usage of corn for ethanol. Government contracts made by those who benefit decided on corn. So corn was it.

    If the free market, supply and demand was allowed, hemp would have been the choice, and a great choice producing about 20x more energy than corn.

    You may say, 'hemp is illegal', yes it is. But if the free market was allowed to work, the energy companies (who lobby allready) would make hemp legal, and allow it into the energy supply - breaking it free from that "govt approved" grip.

    You may say "But if that happens, politicians dont get what they want, the people get what they want!",   and this is true. Thats why we have 2 politicians who want to tighten thier grip into the free market.

    *With time, a true free market energy solution would be competing companies, fighting for the most abundant, most clean, most affordable source of energy. May be near perfect competition.

  3. Yes. To make us more energy independent.  And they should stop subsidizing oil, ethanol, corn and other products that do not benefit the American public.

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