
Should the United States get involved in the crises between Russia & Georgia?

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Should the United States get involved in the crises between Russia & Georgia?




  1. No. I dont think so. The United States needs to get involved with the United States and stop trying to be "Big Brother"

    Well malak, Georgia started this whole thing and now there scared out there pants because Russia actually responded to there bombings.Now Georgia is trying to blame Russia and begging for help. Russia is not "Bullying" them.

    It would be the same Iraq and The United States was on the same continent.. If Iraq started bombing Boston then we would react and send our military at them. Us being the much larger  they would cry "unjustice" and make everyone feel bad for them..

  2. NATO should get involved and other democracies need to offer support to that small nation. Russia will only expand it's agression if the world does not make the right response. The problem seems to be Europe is too weak to stand up for anything and so is the US. The congress will never approve of military actions and that is a big, big problem. Sometimes a positive move overcomes the negatives but no movement only encourages abuse.

  3. When the administration has the tendency to want to be the world's policeman without the authority nor capacity to do so, it's no wonder the vehicle runs off into the ditch when you encourage a small country to do exactly what a large nearby country doesn't want them to do.  Georgia joining NATO is akin to Canada allowing Russia to put troops and missiles on the US border.  One must think about consequences and probabilities before acting.

  4. The thing is, if we don't assist in some way and Russia takes over Georgia, where will Russia go next?  Do you think they'll say "okay, we're done bullying small democratic countries"???  No, if they get away with it, they'll keep on going, that's what Russia has always done.

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