
Should the United States work on increasing its population to reach 1 Billion?

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We have lots of land that can accommodate a billion plus people. We are currently out numbered by the Chinese and Indians. Do you think that our population must grow to continue our edge over the rest of the world? Obviously China and India are on the rise, and they will eventually become a serious threat to our civilization. Could significant population growth help us? We're only at 300 Million right now, can we grow to 1 Billion?




  1. I thought John Edwards made that his goal?

  2. We shouldn't because it would be bad cuz of poverty and stuff.  

  3. America could get to 1 billion people, we grow enough food and have enough land that is true.  The better question is should we?  What is the advantage of tripling our population?

    Although we grow enough food to feed that many, most of it is exported, being one of the main exports of the country.  Not having extra food to ship would mean that people in many other areas of the world will starve.  China and India have high populations for the past 200 years and have been among the poorest nations, while america has had a very low population density and has been the richest.  After getting to 300 million people our quality of life and been going downhill as has our economy and every other indicator.  Although we can double or triple our population little good will come of it.

  4. Population is a blessing of God, if used in proper and systematic way.

  5. I want to say two things to you.  First you're a jackass for ever disagreeing with me about building a casino where the WTC's were.  Second, you're missing the minor detail of food production for a  population that size.  You know the reason why we hunt deer??  Because if we don't they'll overpopulate the food supply and they'll all starve.  Eh......I guess we could go to war if we need more food.

  6. No. But the way people are streaming across the border, I can see this happening with a few decades.

  7. No! We can't take care of the people we have now.

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