
Should the accuser of the Duke players be allow to make money of this case?

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She destroy the careers of coach tarnish the reputation of 3 men who will have that hanging it over him for the rest for the rest of their lives.

It was her lies that brought Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton to believe her over the evidence.

This is case of how black racist got away with making false charges and not one of them has come forward to apologize and these black racist are accepted as main stream.

What do you have to say?




  1. No, actually she should be doing prison time along with Nyfong.

  2. Colanth

    Libel and slander ARE criminal acts.............

  3. Unless she committed a crime, there's no law preventing her from writing a book and, if anyone wants to read it, making money from it.  (If everyone who ever lied to the police had to pay the full penalty, it would be the New York Times Best Selling Book [singular] list.)  Or would you rather go to prison for a few years for telling the cop you weren't aware of how fast you were going?  (Lying to a police officer is lying to a police officer.  Ruining someone's life is not a criminal act in itself.)

  4. Good! Let her make some money so that the the Duke students whose lives she ruined, can sue her for every penny she makes.  

  5. Why would anyone want to hear her story? Its all been proven to be lies.

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