
Should the all blacks be selecting off shore based players?

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I reckon we've got too much talent in sych a small country theres not enough room for all the talent so people are going to play in england. We should let players play everywhere and then bring them back in when we need them,




  1. I don't think we should.  We don't right now and we have the most talented team in the tournament.  The main reason I wouldn't want them to select overseas players is that it would take away a huge incentive to stay in NZ.

    Yes it is their job and they have the right to earn as much money as they can, but I truly believe that the competitions in other countries are not as good as our NPC and the Super 14.  They are all totally different styles, especially in Europe, so a player that stands out in an English competition, may struggle with the change in style expected when they get to the All Blacks.

    There are also not many top All Black prospects that are going to Europe, they are mostly the players that are getting to the end of their career and are looking for, and deserve, a nice retirement fund.  The younger players that are signing in other countries have mostly signed 2 year contracts, opening the door for a return to NZ in time to make a claim for the next RWC.

    We have the talent and the depth, but I don't think we should open the door for more of them to leave.

  2. Its too far to ask your players to play in England and then come back for internationals at the other side of the world, although South Africa did it with Montgomery, they couldnt ignore that one of their best players was playing in Wales, New Zealand players shoudl be aloud move among the super 14 teams in S. Africa and Australia if they want considering it is still relatively close...if they play it Europe it'll be too difficult, the players that will be leaving have made a conscienous  decision that they will not play for the All blacks again unless they return.

    Look at what has happened to Beckham, he is a wreck from all the matches and traveling back and forth from England to LA.

    Although we did secure howlett in Munster so im very happy....

  3. Player depth is plentyful downunder in NZ.We can develope the next Mauger or McCallister.It leaves the door open for players coming through pushing for that black jersey.Players goind abroad too young would only benifit financial and playing a weaker level  of rugby  eg.Japan,Europe and South America would not help them retain their black jersey back home.I say do your apprentiship at home(NZ}

    Before you think about leaving,your worth more money overseas if your a proven AllBlack than a rugby player from New Zealand.

  4. At the end of the day, the player has to do whats best for the player and his family. It is a professional sport and a really short career...and they will go where the money is. The nzru must build this into their reality exclusion is just rediculous.

  5. I think you've got it. NZ should be selecting the best players for world cup representation. I'm not aware of many countries or sports that only select athletes based on the fact they only play for teams or themselves in their country of origin.

    If that's the case it sounds pretty xenophobic.

  6. No, I reckon if you're not going to stay in New Zealand then you're not going to play for New Zealand. We shouldn't have to pay for all these players flights around the world when they probably just left New Zealand so they could make more money.

  7. Would that not be cheating?

    Why would we want talent of second class players?

    The reason why everyone is going overseas is because we don't have enough teams for such fantastic players in New Zealand.

    For the player that leaves to play overseas, there are more feet to fill the big boots they leave behind.  I think New Zealand has proven that when we lost Spencer and Merhtens and other great players.  Sorry great is such an understatement...legends in their own right.

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