
Should the all the illegal mexicans be deported back to mexico?

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Should the all the illegal mexicans be deported back to mexico?




  1. No I dont think all of them should be sent back . Just the ones that come here and drink and dont want to work and get together with american women and beat them and start doing drugs . If they come here with ganas and want to work and make a better life and pay taxes I believe they have every right to be here .They can work to get their residency . You have to have lived in Mexico to see how tough it is .

  2. Lets see - gotta but vans / buses to get them there. gotta have drivers, gotta have gas - gettin expensiv here.

    tomatoes and housing prices would increase.

    I know, lets use the money to hire more paper pushers at US immigration offices and keep 'em

    They do pay taxes on property and beer just like you ya know.Illegal or not.

  3. Not at all.  We need to reform our relationship with Mexico.  Many come to America to try and make a better life for themselves and their family.  We as Americans do the world an injustice by exploiting Mexican workers and working them for unfair wages and no labor laws.  Too many Americans are quick to say (THEY TOOK OUR JOBS) but the reality is unless you are an American Indian. You and I are just as guilty of being an immigrant looking for a better life as they are.

  4. I would think that all Illegal mexicans should be deported back to mexico... They have no right to be here if they do not have there green card... They should have there green card before they come over from mexico, If they don't have there green card they will try to get a women to mary them as fast as they can so that they do not get deported back to mexico...:)

  5. If all countries did this, it would upset not only the various economies of the deporting countries, but also the economy of Mexico.  It would have to be very carefully coordinated first.

  6. No, there ar some hard working honest tax paying people who deserve to be here, now the ones who have kids just to live off the gov. and those who are a burden those should be deported!!

  7. Im mexican american. I was born here in the US but my dad is from mexico he came here many years ago when he was 14. He worked hard to get residency. I  think the illegals that are doing bad for our country need to go back. We don't need them here to cause more violence and drama.  If they are here selling drugs and being in gangs they do need to go back. although the ones that are here to work and better themselves deserve a chance to get their citizenship or residency

  8. It's kind of an ethical debate, but no, I don't think they should. Naturally, people will go where they want, making it "right." I suppose.

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