
Should the amount of homework given to students be reduced?

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I personally don't think there should be NO homework, but the hours spent on homework these days can really muck up personal time. Sure, it's all working towards our future, but everyone says that life after school is so hard,why can't we enjoy our youner years while we can. Balancing homework, a part time job and social activities plus some people have other activities, sprts and even extra classes out of school hours... I just don't think we should have to spend so much time trying to fit everything in...ooooo and SLEEP!




  1. Unfortunately, home work is a necessity. Most teachers don't enjoy giving homework, I don't. However, teachers in most schools teachers have to consider many variables when planning student work, these can include, parent expectations, school expectations, curriculum guidelines and most importantly the students themselves. It is the job of the teacher to strike a balance between these things, which, at times can be difficult. I believe that homework is a necessity in assisting students to reach their chosen goals. I do think, however,  that homework should be restricted to 20Min's for each subject per day. This should be just enough so that it reinforces the days lessons. It is hard work, teachers understand this, and want students to enjoy their youth, we know that at times the study load can be intimidating but the hard work you put in now will pay off over time.

  2. Yup.

  3. yes!!!

  4. It depends on how much homework was given already. If it's not a lot, then it shouldn't be reduced. But if it is, then the amount should be reduced.

  5. Yes absolutley it seems these days teachers just give out loads of homework for fun, Alot of students have soccer or family priorides and teacher dont think" hey they have lives too, maybe i shouldnt keep them so busy" i mean its the teachers job to teach us AT SCHOOL not take over our lives with 7 hours at school them 3 hours homework, im usally up for 5 hours with homework, i cant hang with my friends, i cant go out to dinner with the family, it sucks, im only in grade 8 and i think that my friends and i would love school if it wornt for allllll the homework

  6. Yes, I think it should be reduced. I think it should either be reduced or maybe have more fun homework.

  7. yes, i am in year 10 doing about on average 3 hours a night and trust me my learning is suffering i am so god d**n tired and worn out that i learn less not more. I dont agree with hw in christian studies and stuff like that but in maths i think its kind of important but i dont know and no i am not a nerd =P

  8. Yes,Kids are at school for a very long time alredy.thats plenty of time to learn the necessary.

    They go to school to learn they don't need to do it at home to.

    Teachers should slack off less and teach

  9. yes. bcause when a certain student is given many homeworks, one for history, one for math, and one for science, It is hard for him to answer all those assignments especially when those homeworks are really hard, and needs time to solve. The student will have less time to sleep because he wants to finish his homework so that he will have a good score for his homework. I hope his helps!

  10. yes d best idea is like giving specific subjects for homeworks 4 each day of d week like ther will b only 2 or 3 subjects each day

    but teachers never understand

  11. I would say so.  Isn't a normal work day 8 hours?  Shouldn't it be the same for the kids as well?  Heck, we are training them for the office world right?

  12. Yes! My back pain is due to carrying my extrememly heavy backback and some of my friends don't have time for all their homework because they also spend a lot of time playing sports.

  13. Yes, the quantity of homework should be reduced (long worksheets, repetitive questions, etc.). Teachers should focus on the quality of homework instead. Instead of tons of worksheets that just take up time, utilize the class time and time spent at home. Kids are losing interest in school, perhaps this may help spark an interest...

  14. yesyesyes!

  15. YES

  16. i think it should because homework sucks and it makes every kid stress and fill angry after school because, they already have school work at school ,and we should be playing out side having fun and not being bored all the time because we have homework after school.

  17. no i think they should give them lots and lots more, but ive left school so why should i care

  18. yes

    instead of giving non sense homeworks which the students wont do coz its a waste of time  

    they can at least like give one ore two questions as HW  with some rewards  with it

    so there is something for everyone

    like if u answer it right u get an extra credit that helps u with ur exam

  19. No, i reckon it should be increase.

    For me, i know im a student. Seen when i stop having lots of homework. I start get lazy. Now i got use to the laziness.

    Homework is good for you. You just think it not.

    It obviously BORING and crappy. But look on the bright side, your future depend on your education and your knowledge.

    Dnt stuffed your life.

  20. Difficult question.  I've seen some students beg and plead for less homework, and the work they do comes back poorly done--patchwork jobs at most.  Students outside of the US take the assignments they are given and do them, but American students complain.  Students in other countries like homework, but not US students.  It's clear that something's happening or not happening when they try to do their homework.  I think more homework will give them a better chance to practice the skills they learn in school.  Once I had a class of sixth graders and their homework was to write their spelling words three times each.  Twenty spelling words, good handwriting, they didn't even have to think to do it.  It was rote work.  Their teacher and I got back maybe ten papers out of a class of thirty that were acceptable, meaning legible with every single word written out in cursive.  They didn't want to write in cursive--too hard, they said.  (The parents actually agreed!!)  Three times each was too much work, they said.  They had too many spelling words to finish.  These sixth graders were very surprised when I told them about my younger cousin, who was in second grade, learning cursive, and writing his spelling words three times each without a problem.

  21. YES!!!!  my god! if we were.'t under so much stress and rushing to get all of our homework done, we would probably do better!

  22. i think YES i haven't been at school for a few years but there was tooooo much then i assume you guys get more now

  23. Dear friend,

    The amount of homework given to the students can be reduced in lower classes but not in higher classes (High School & Higher Secondary).

  24. nah its beneficial but the classes should put an x-hour limit dependant on how their students are achieving.

    but for some students ive heard theyve been overloaded.

    in which case yes, because theyre young and excess homework doesnt benefit.

    whats ur opinion?

    have a good day!

  25. it depends on what country your in. If your from USA then consider that this is a world market now. ppl from all over the world will compete for your job one day. and students in other countries go to school 6 days a week. and study harder and longer then american kids. look at kids in Japan and other places............ they work very hard in the classes. study on weekends and still have a life. and in the end it will be alot of these students who get into top notch universities and get the top positions in companies. (positions kids who hate homework wount get!) ... what ya think? we r a group looking for job inernationaly now. not just state by state. its not like when our parents were kids. again, dont you agree?

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