
Should the bear that attacked and killed it's trainer be put to sleep?

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  1. Bears are wild animals. They are not meant to be trained.  Anyone who tries to tame a bear is asking for trouble in my opinion.

  2. It's a WILD animal. No matter how much you train it, it still will have that instinct.  The trainers know this, and still worked with them.  Therefore, No

  3. No way.  It's not the bear's fault those "Three experienced handlers" think a huge wild animal is a pet.  They should release it into the wild.

  4. No.The bear can't be blamed. Its the trainer's fault

  5. unfortuantly, I think it should be. Most bears that come accustomed to humans are not fit to be released into the wild. They lose all their fear of people and will be problems again. I guess you could just put it in a zoo for the rest of its life... The point is, it should have never have been "trained".

  6. No

  7. yes! it might be a wild animal, but it still killed a person.

    we kill bears, cougars, wolves if it attacks people in the wild too.. eye for an eye applies to animals and people. justice.

    besides, we are top of the food chain!

  8. no that bear is innocent its a poor animal that cannot understand might be the trainer was putting a lot of pressure on the bear.

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