
Should the candidates and their wives be compared?

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I would definitely like to see an in-depth, side by side comparison of John McCain and Barack Hussein Obama listing their accomplishments and experience.

Then I'd like to see the same with Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama.

In my opinion, comparing John and Barack is comparable to comparing a high school freshman with a college senior. John, of course, is the college senior.

Comparing Cindy and Michelle is, I believe, a big win for Cindy. I'll take a Special Needs teacher over a lawyer any day of the week. Care to guess which one is involved in Operation Smile and adopted a child with a cleft palate? (Hint: It isn't Michelle).

I'm looking forward to reading your responses.




  1. I would find such a comparison very interesting but I would prefer to see a side by side comparison of platform as well.

  2. Of course they should, that's what an election is all about.

    I think the Republican party is finally beginning to step up and mark some of the comparisons that show negatively on Obama's side.  They've been catering to the liberal's jumble about them for far too long, afraid of the abuse they''ll get for pointing out the TRUTH.  Obama cries and the media calls McCain's campaign unhonorable when he points out Barack's age, celebrity status, lack of experience, etc...and he hasn't even touched on Barack's associations like he needs to.  That's what happens in a presidential election!  This year has been the pansy -est ever.  All the Republicans are dancing around "race," Barack's exposing it, it shouldn't even be a factor.  And I think the American people are frustrated by the tippy-toeing.  

    We need someone trustworthy out there factually exposing the truth about both candidates.  Since we don't seem to have that, it's up to us as voters to be objective and find it for ourselves.  

  3. If they were compared, you wouldn't like the results. John Mccain, despite having served in congress for decades, has actually not distingusihed himself. The only major piece of legislation he was involved with was campaign finance reform, and he has gone against his own law during this campaign. The only time in his life he wasn't paid by the government was when he worked for his multi-millionaire second father-in-law. He got into the Naval Academy because his father and grandfather were both admirals, and he finished near the bottom of his class. His congressional career was started with financing from his father-in-law and his rich and influential friends. He is a man who has never achieved anything on his own merits, and has had a very undistinguished career. Obama, on the other hand, got into Columbia University and Harvard Law on his own merits, worked in his community and the private sector and got elected on his own. What he has he has earned because of who he is, not who he is related to.

    Cindy's accomplishments are fine to point out, but then again, it would be unfair to ignore the fact that she had an affair with a married man, and she allowed herself to become addicted to drugs. If you only look at the good people do, you're not looking at the whole story. And you disparage Michelle simply because she is a lawyer? How fair is that? After law school, she worked on community projects to get youth involved with helping their communities. Is there something wrong with that? And because she hasn't adopted any children she is somehow less of a person than Cndy McCain?

  4. To a degree, yes. They have the president's ear in a way no one else does. Although, I see Michelle more of a prying type, wanting to be involved with policy making.

    Cindy is a quite type who is more concerned with action rather than the lime light.

  5. We still have many days head for comparisons.

    There will be side by side debates for all of them. Just remember not to watch MSNBC though.

  6. No, they shouldn't. It is human nature to do so however.

    Remember that organization she worked for... she stole painkillers and drugs from those children she was helping. (Hint: It isn't Michelle)

    Oh, and her husband, he cheated on his disabled first wife with her. (Hint: It isn't Michelle)

    And she never had to work hard since she was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. (Hint: It isn't Michelle)

    - - - - - - - - -

    WHY did you ask this if you already *think* you know the answer? Isn't this just a thinly veiled rant to put down Michelle Obama and glorify Cindy McCain?

    Why bother? How boring to just want answers to pat yourself on the back with. snooze.

  7. It would be informative to see a comparison of the spouses. However, since they don't possess any policy making power, it would just be a puff piece. Not too much is known about Michelle Obama or Barack for that matter. I would be interested in knowing how Cindy McCain overcame her prescription pill addiction, because that would be helpful for others who have substance abuse issues.

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