
Should the children of undocumented citizens get free collage program ?

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Most undocumented citizens makeless money then most American workers. Should there children get a free collage so they will have a chance to make more money.




  1. No, they should be deported.

    What makes you think they need to make more money.  I am a US citizen that grew up poor, and never stood a chance.  I joined the military, and worked my a$$ off to go to college.  I am still paying on school loans.  Nobody gave me anything for free.

  2. No,illegal aliens deserve nothing from this country nor do their children. We have our own people in need to worry about.

  3. Once they give it to the children of other criminals. Bank robbers, burglars and thieves will all want equal treatment.

  4. NO!!! why should the offspring of illegal invaders be rewarded when all they should get is a one way ticket back where they belong with their families!!!! They should have not gotten an elementary to high school education in this country. And most Americans live on poverty level and want better for their children too, but they can not always get the help, they are the ones that matter - children of citizens. Not the spawn of illegals!!!

    Report and deport!!

  5. Ummmmm no...i am an immigration fanatic and applaud immigration to america however when u sneak into the country and expect your children to get special preferences over children who's parents were law abiding citizens and worked hard in this country 4 their entire lives.......its not fair.....theres ppl in the us who were born here that need to go to college free and can't even get a scholarship.........please

  6. First there is no such thing as an undocumented citizen. The correct term is illegal alien. And no their children should not get free college. We the citizens have paid to educate their children all thru school. If they want to go to college they can pay for it themselves. Just like a citizens child would have to pay.

  7. Most don't pay taxes so why would we the tax payers have to pay for thier childrens education.

  8. if they are undocumented then they are not citizens

  9. if they are undocumented then what gives them the right to get anything free?

    we hardly ever get anything "free".  and in order to get into college you have to have a SSN.

    So no i don't think they should get a free college program.  that's bullshit.  if they want to be an american then they should become LEGAL and pay for everything just like we have to

  10. No.  We have too many American citizens who can barely afford a living, much less a college education.  We need to take care of our own first.

  11. As there are no "undocumented citizens", the only answer is NO.

    Many states are cutting back on any college assistance for illegal aliens.

    Citizens are making our voices heard. We don't want to help illegal aliens.

  12. Look I'm going to let you in on something, any illegal can go to the consulate nearest them of their origin and APPLY for status. Most likely they won't get denied if they have a clean record. The consulate acts as a mediator for them with immigrations. They don't grab you like people think. You have hearings etc. If these students really want to go to school and be productive in America they need to do this first and I say more power to them but if they don't h**l no. If they don't have the ambition to get their status straightened out then we don't need them.

  13. Free college only in their country of origin.

  14. No, they should pay their way just like everyone else has to.

  15. NO!!  There is no such thing as an undocumented citizen.  We can give them one free lesson though, a ride on the deportation bus!

  16. If they qualify, why not charge them the same as anyone else.  

    Bill Clinton got a free college education at Oxford in the UK.  My cousin got free college at the Sorbonne in France and my sister attended the University of Nice in France for about $3000 a year as a French resident.  I got an almost free college education from Zimbabwe.  Many (not all) countries give free educations to everyone, you couldn't pay them even if you wanted.  

    The real question is why US citizens don't get free college.

  17. We can educate them in " What happens to border jumpers" .

    Deport illegals, and keep the dream alive.

  18. No, they should be pay like anyone else; we are not a Socialist country.

  19. No they should not.    If  they are citizens (born here) then treat them like everyone money no college.  if they are not citizens send them home........sounds good to me

  20. Not no; but h**l NO!

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