
Should the chinese, and other asians be banned from participating from the 2012 olympics?

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they are obviously cheating with their judges and "16 yr old women"




  1. Ok, I believe they're cheating, but what your saying is f*** up. And by not allowing them into next years Olympics is showing that we're losers.

    Beside, the US team have some asians in it too.

    Connie G, think your right, the reason why my dad stop watching it is because he say they cheat and the Vietnamese news stuff my dad reads online even said China raise the age by 3. And they did this before the Olympics started.

    And also that Nastia was more perfect than He (lolz He)

  2. Wow.

    I actually chuckled at the "other asians part." Thanks.

    Worst thing that could possibly happen, China gets banned from 2012 women's gymnastic event, although I find that HIGHLY unlikely.

    Honestly... if you've gone to high school you'll know that some asians and in fact people in general look very young. Since there are some advantages to being smaller in some events, no wonder the Chinese team is made up of smaller people. I don't see why some people don't get it.

    As for that other comment about wonder if the Olympics would be more fair if the Chinese weren't in it... I find it to be ridiculous to allege that. Lol. Is it because China has 18 more golds than the US that makes you say that? When countries start winning we should kick them out right? Fine. Let's kick out the US for leading the medal count.

    I can't stand ignorance.

  3. Now, why on earth would you say something like that.  Apart from the fact that the judges are from all different countries, you cant lump all Asian countries in the same basket.

  4. No.........the judges have nothing to do with the Chinese people. And absolutely nothing to do with the rest of Asia.

  5. Obviously Jamaica and Kenya are cheating as well coz they got gold medals too. BAN all blacks and asians from London! duh.

  6. if you're going to banned asians for cheating, then we should've been banned from the 2004 olympics.  i mean, the US did cheat(marion jones)

  7. You do realize that you cannot judge an event if somebody from your country is competing right? None of the judges that the chinese and "other asians" and other asians are competeting in come from china.

    And no I don't think they should be banned, if they are cheating then the girls should be stripped of their medals and banned from the competition, but not the whole country. Marion Jones cheated but the USA is still competeing aren't they?

  8. no, that would be racist

  9. Why would you ban the Chinese? Even if you feel the Chinese is not doing a good job in hosting, why other Asian should be banned from Olympic 2012?

    How sure are you that they are not 16?  

    Can you ensure that the London 2012 Olympics is totally free of judge bias and other issues? Can you guarantee that the subsequent Olympic host will be free of these issues? Does that mean that UK can be banned from the 2016 Olympics if there are some dispute? And the next host will be banned from the subsequent Olympics?

  10. IM GOING TO LOSE MY MIND, NO THEY ARE NOT CHEATING!! And its not "clear" that they are cheating, you americans just think so becasue you cant handle the fact that they did better than you. I think The US should be banned from the 2012 olympics, then it would be a good olympics with notrash talking and just good competition

  11. You should be banned from the internet for being a moron.

  12. China yes. When it is proven that the three are underage and that government change the age i think they will. Also i think the Olympics should ban them until they stop taking away kids at the age of 3 for sports.

    Okay I'm from Canada and could tell they cheated. Also about the USA getting ban the government didn't know that she used steroid. The China government did that how their ages got changed

  13. Yes. Any country that has better athletes than the USA should be banned.  As a matter fact I don't know why we allow other countries to compete at all.  What a waste of our valuable American TV time.

  14. The judges are not all Chinese, though.  They are supposed to be from various countries.  Four of the judges this time around are from countries that have nevere medaled in Olympic gymnastics (Canada, Italy, Australia).  Other judges are from Russia, US, China, France.

    What is more contentoous is the real age of the girls on the Chinese team.  Even for Asians they did not look the minimum age of 16. It was reported that one of the girls was really just 13 but she denies that.

    And yes, as others have already noted, banning "other Asians" is absurd.

  15. I can't stop but wonder if the Chinese were not included in the Olympics would everything (the medals and competitions) be more balanced out properly and more importantly, fairly?

  16. I love the "other asians" part.  As if this question couldn't have been any more flawed.

  17. I'm turning off the internet because of you. You'll have a lot of people to answer to.

  18. Face the fact, China are getting better and better.

    Besides, do you forget Jones in athlete? One of the twins also cheated in 2004 Athens Gymnast game for the individual gold medal. If he is honest, that medal should be Korean.

  19. A little racist now aren't we?

  20. **** china and the judges bias

  21. why dont we just banned all other countries except US and let them win all gold silver and bronze.

    u dum@55

  22. Well, we should ban all Asian in any sport American is participating so Amercian can be number 1 again……..NOT

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