
Should the constitution be amended so that people like Arnold can run for President?

by Guest61749  |  earlier

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I am a dual citizen but have lived most my life abroad. If I lived here another 13 1/2 years I could run for President. Arnold cannot. Trust me, you have more to worry about my "divided loyalties" than Arnold's. Is that fair?




  1. no it should not! i believe most of the ammendments should be ratified and we can for the most part go back to the basics and quit trying to fix things that arent broken. The founding fathers knew what they were doing. most of the people 'fixing' the constution dont. STOP TRYING TO FIX WHAT ISNT BROKEN.

  2. No, to your posted question.  

  3. No it should not and yes it is 'fair'.  It is a protection.  Not a perfect one, but a protection that the person who becomes president would be particularly partial to America.

    And dual citizenship didn't exist in the founders' day and frankly, I have a problem with not having to 'choose' your loyalty.

  4. i have no problems with a naturalized citizen being able to vote after a set time limit

    i dont know if arnorld would get my vote though

  5. NO.

  6. The concerns the founding fathers had that led to the requirement that presidents be American born are not the same that we have today. Still, it seems like a good policy; other than requiring a person be born in America, any other citizenship requirement would seem arbitrary. I mean, if we allowed immigrants to become president, how long should they have been citizens? Ten years? Twenty years? Why is one number better than another?  So, I say leave it as it is.

  7. I am a dual citizen also but I tell you I would not want to be President for anything.I also would not vote for Arnold he can't even run one State,he would ruin what is left of the US.  

  8. Born in the US, lived in the US.

    Arnold wasn't born here.

    No, it shouldn't be amended.

  9. No the framers knew what they were doing, and fortuantely the constitutin is very hard to amend.  It is not about divieded loyalties, it's about patriotism and protection pof the highewst office in the land.  As a californian I can state that arnold is not even a good governor.

    And you have to be a natural born citizen.

  10. Leave the United States to the AMERICANS.

  11. I don't much care for actors becoming politicians, but there wasn't any law against Reagan, so I'm not too excited to change it for his sake.  But, I guess if you pushed me, I would say that it's probably not right.  Originally, it was thought that only Americans could fully grasp the concepts of freedom, democracy, laissez-faire economics, and self-determination.  In reality, it turns out that Americans have very little grasp of those issues and in fact most immigrants coming to America are seeking those ideals.

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