
Should the cost of the disastorous Iraq war be passed on only to the children of republicans?

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Why the h**l should me and my kids have to pay for Bush's idiotic blunder? it seems to me that everyone that voted for him in 2004 after knowing we were raping and torturing the Iraqi people is guilty of consipracy to commit war crimes and, in addition to convictions, should be saddled with the cost of the war...




  1. Of course, they should take responsibility for their irresponsibility's.

  2. Should your children have to suffer through the idiotic speeches you'll give them about a war you knew nothing about?

    Pay your taxes, shut up.

    If you want to complain about something, complain about something you understand.

  3. If only Republican congressmen voted for the war and every funding bill to date. But even thought they hate to admit it. YOUR Democratic congressmen passed all those bills and resolutions because they knew it was the right thing to do. They wouldn't vote against their conscience would they??

  4. seems inevitable that this will happen since Dems seem to have a thing for aborting babies---there'll be no Dem. children left to pay those huge tax increases an Obama Presidency would certainly bring about.

  5. Lets not forget that many Democrats also voted to invade Iraq.  So it isn't just Bush's or Republicans fault, and many people in the public supported the invasion as well.  Sure the evidence was trumped up, but the media and the public didn't question the administrations assertions.  So we are stuck with the bill.

  6. No, because the blunder that Johnson made (Vietnam) was paid for by all of us, especially the veterans of that cluster-f*ck and their families.

  7. A taxpayer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Coloner Sanders.

  8. Good luck with that one since they don't like paying taxes but cheerfully want expensive wars and military hardware. It's highly unlikely their kids will want to pay either.

    Even now with a $10 TRILLION deficit staring them in the face they still don't want to pay up and constantly talk of Obama or a democrat raising taxes.

    Well I got news for them McCain is talking about the same thing. For a guy who admits he doesn't know a thing about economics even he can't ignore a big bill staring him in the face with no money to pay for it. Any sane President would have no choice either.

    Out of curiosity I would love to know how Republicans and conservatives plan on doing anything without tax revenue.

    Especially expensive military hardware.

  9. lunatic fringe,we all know your out there!!! hee haa lol

  10. But what if their children grow up and see the wrong in it as you and I do?

  11. My answer is;

    Why wait for their kids too pay for it? I think all the Corporations and CEO's AND CFO's that profited from for this Quagmire should have too repay every Penny they illegally took with "No Bid" contracts. It will send the Right message to Fascists that we won't put up with their Campaign of fear and war any longer.

    "Don't worry momma, I vote for Obama"

  12. No.  Democrats want to pay for it, because they like paying more taxes.  We should let them.

  13. Yeah no.

    If I am paying the tax, and your kids aren't, I won't pay anymore.

    Then when the IRS and the cops come to arrest me I will tell them they can leave me alone or eat lead.

  14. dont like it?

    move to brazil

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