
Should the countries in the European Union compete under one flag only?

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Or may be not because we will always win 90% of the medals.




  1. No way, it's a union of separate countries not a union of states as in the USA.  Would you also like to have 1 president?  But if the EU did compete under one flag at the Olympics it would just show what a bunch of losers you are to use such a pathetic tactic to be the one with the most medals.

  2. No! I despise the European Unions globalization, don't support it unless you understand it. It is good economically, but it is a tyrant. The EU brainwashes people to be liberal, especially in Germany. They ban pride and nationalism in your own country and the freedom of speech in Germany. Europe can not unite, even though the EU seems pro-union, it will not work, Rome did the same thing; it got large and bounded a ton of ethnic groups, cultures, relgions, and langauges, and it failed due to this.

    I am a European Nationalist, especially Germany. And the last time I checked Europe dominated the top ten in the 2008 summer olympics, besides 1st and 2nd. If you added all the medals Europe got into one, it would make it 1st place.

  3. Well, the United States was originally intended to be a Union of Sovereign States(Nations), united for defense and economic benefits, but completely sovereign in their own affairs. Sound familiar?

    I'm sure the EU govt. will get around to formally devaluing the member states' independence eventually, just as the US govt. did. You'll just have to wait a bit.

    Hey, maybe not even that long, really, you know. The EU parliament already assumes whatever powers it likes first and only asks permission from the people after it's already done. And now they've got someone telling the Irish that no isn't an acceptable answer, so they're well on their way, I'd say.

  4. If you want to become one sovereign nation, then yes...

  5. Look, they are already the Political Olympics, so who cares.

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