
Should the countries of Central and South-East Europe join the European Union?

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Should the countries of Central and South-East Europe join the European Union?




  1. Every country in Europe should be part of EU

  2. Should the countries of Central and South-East Europe join the European Union?

    Please all forgive me if you all think that I am harsh in my constructive criticism and detail analysis. The European Union (EU) is a wonderful entity but needs a lot of improving, also needs some reforming as well as needs harmony, diversity and humanity within the European Union (EU) and its organisation as well.

    Yes I agree totally, being fair, showing humanity,  being unbias and giving justice that the countries of Central and South-East Europe should join the European Union (EU) in the future years probably within a period of 15 years to 25 years long but not now and not at this present time first, from strong Economic, Social, Cultural and Political analysis reasoning. But this needs to be done very slowly, very carefully and very wisely. A lot of work needs to be done first. The European Union (EU) Integration needs to be done wisely and not hastely or they might be another blood bath in Europe - such as for example the recent case of Srebrenica in Bosnia in ex-Yugoslavia - the Massacre of Srebrenica - the new Holocaust of Europe - The Massacre of Bosnian Muslims - Genocide - Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims in Europe.

    There are already too many countries queueing up now at this present time to join the European Union (EU).  Where do you draw the line? How big do you want European Union (EU) to be? These are major questions here!!!!

    A lot of things needs to be done first and sorted out as a major priority.

    Being a person from an ethnic minority background I have some major serious reservations first about this European Union (EU) enlargement here and needs to be look at very seriously here!!!!!! Raises some serious points here:

    1) The growing Racism in today Europe - especially the Balkan region which has the most Xenophobia. Please also look at the Eurovision Song Contest voting period you will able see that countries are voting for each other regionally or neighbouring voting or politically dislike for each other not for the best song - It does not take a genius to be able to see that - Moldova votes for Romania & vice versa, Bosnia votes for Slovenia & vice versa, Turkey votes for Azerbaijan & vice versa, Denmark votes for Iceland & vice versa, Greece votes for Cyprus & vice versa & etc. It also shows high rate of biasness & a high rate of racism from the European countries to a degree when the black singer for the United Kingdom came last in the Eurovision Song Contest May 2008 - this is a very good indicator of attitudes in Europe. Please note that the UK entrant Abraham, 43, received just 14 points from European voters, placing him joint last. None of the 22 Eastern European countries involved in the competition awarded a single vote to the British singer. People are not blind anymore - they all can see this very clearly now! Also everyone is not stupid anymore! People can see other people true colours very clearly!!!!!!!

    2) Quite a few European States do not like the Muslim community at all and feel threaten about their existence - their beliefs - their cultures and their values which they do not understand or they do not appreciate at all and have build up an element prejudice here. A growing element of Islamophobia. They have no knowledge about the religion as well as no knowledge of the differences within the Muslim World from Morocco to Libya to Egypt to Bosnia & Herzegovinia to Saudi Arabia to United Arab Emirates (UAE) - Dubai to Kuwait to Qatar to Oman to Pakistan to Afghanistan to Bangladesh to Maldives to Sudan to Somalia to Iran to Iraq to Jordan to Lebanon to Syria to Turkey to Azerbaijan to Kazakhstan to Nigeria to Chad to Comoros to Senegal to Turkmenistan to Uzbekistan to Western Sahara to Indonesia to Malaysia and many others. Also do not know the different mindsets, different behavioural patterns, different types of demomination lets called it that from the Sufis, Sunni to Shia to Salafi to Tagbigh Jamaat following and etc. Basically have no knowledge at all about the religion of Islam and class everyone as a terrorist or everyone in this religion follows Terrorism which is totally wrong in my strong opinion here. The people of Europe are totally clueless, have no knowledge at all and maybe have some element of prejudice as well. I also have notice this thoroughly and I am also not frightened at all to mention it at all and try to lock them up for all sorts of reasoning. I agree we must lock up terrorists within any religion or within any ideological group or cult group or nutcases in any society or ones who advocate violence activity and harm the innocent in the world. What about the other groups which are classified to do Terrorism? Such as the famous Tamils Tigers in Sri Lanka, PKK in Turkey, Farc in Colombia, ETA in Spain, IRA in Northern Ireland, Khalistan Zindabad Force in India, Army of God in USA, FLNC in Corsica - France, Sekigun in Japan, Aryan Nations in USA, CSA in USA and many others of which I heard and seen from the various Global Satellite/ TV News outlets like CNN, France 24, BBC News24, CBS, ABC and Al Jazeera English Satellite Channels. Is this hypocritical????? Have they escape the World Terror List??? Or has it been forgotten at all. Tarnish a group of people in the world - The Worldwide Muslim Community and instead of tackling the core root of the problem. Is this major Double Standards here or is it ones prejudice and ones ignorance of the Muslim community here? Also in Malaysia - there are Hindu temples, Buddhist temples & churches in a Muslim country. In Tunisia & Morocco are Muslim countries which have a very large Jewish community overthere & also have synagogues there. In Egypt they have a very large Coptic Christians community with a very large cathedral overthere especially in Cairo. So the Muslim World do not have any problem with Religious Intolerance to a degree. All the information I acquire came from Travel Books & books on the countries. In Holland especially, analysing the problem in Europe in depth - they deliberately targeted the Islamic religion by allowing the holy texts of the Koran to be superimpose by a lustful naked woman - this resulted in the death of the person who did this. The last reminder is this major Double Standards here or is it ones prejudice and ones ignorance of the Muslim community here? An interesting thought to think about. Where is the humanity? Where is the justice? Finally where is the tolerance in all this?  

    3) A battle between the haves or the have nots - already imbalance between the Western European countries and the Eastern European derive countries with high rate of unemployment, also have a very high rate of corruption and bribery practices. A total social differences here.

    4) The battle of groups in the European Union (EU). I mean there are three major blocks that is forming in the European Union (EU). These are Western European Union (EU) countries, the Baltics countries and lastly the Balkan countries.

    The criteria and methods of joining the European Union (EU):

    In 1989, the European Community's Phare program was created. It aimed to provide financial support for potential accession countries so that they could expand and reform their economies. To join the EU an applicant country must meet the following Copenhagen criteria established by the European Council in 1993:

    Stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities.

    The existence of a functioning market economy as well as the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.

    The ability to take on the obligations of membership including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union.

    In December 1995, the Madrid European Council revised the membership criteria to include conditions for member country integration through the appropriate adjustment of its administrative structures: since it is important that European Community legislation be reflected in national legislation, it is critical that the revised national legislation be implemented effectively through appropriate administrative and judicial structures.

    In order to assess progress achieved by countries in preparing for accession to the European Union, the European Commission submits 'Regular Reports' to the European Council. These serve as the basis upon which the Council takes decisions on negotiations or their extension to other candidates. Since 1993, the Commission has presented a complete set of Regular Reports on a yearly basis, covering the 10 now member countries in Central and Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia) as well as Cyprus, Malta and Turkey.

    Please note a lot of countries are watching the behaviour of European Union now.

  3. yes

  4. No they should not

  5. It would be to their advantage, but it would disadvantage most of the existing members.  They will be slow to add these nations.  

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