
Should the dems be ashamed for politicizing the hurricane?

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Should the dems be ashamed for politicizing the hurricane?




  1. McCain is planning to politicize Hurricane Gustav, He wants to make his acceptance Speech from the golf coast, Why?

    People need to wake up and see what the republican party is doing to America. I voted repulican all my life, not this time!

  2. Pitiful isn't it?  I saw the video where they were thanking god for interrupting the Republican Convention.  Sick.

    One, the former democratic chairman, said later that god had it timed exactly right to hit on the first day of the convention.

  3. The democrats have no ethics or morals, they will do anything to win no matter how corrupt.

  4. I think you mean republicans.  McCain was quick to rush down there and hold a useless press conference. How was that helpful to the region?

  5. Anyone who takes humor in a natural disaster that can potentially take many lives should be ashamed.

    Besides it's only the psycho dems that talked c**p.

  6. Yes...but they did that last time also. It's really no big surprise, is it?

  7. You mean this hurricane is NOT Bush's fault?  Amazing.  

    Ah, it's Obama's fault.  He created it as a publicity stunt.  

  8. They are not.

  9. The dems?  McCain and Palin went to Mississippi to check on the preparations for Gustav. If that isn't politicizing, I don't know what is. Because of their status, they will be taking time away from the local and state police, who have more important things to do  then babysit so McCain can be seen as "concerned". Obama offered money and volunteers to help after the storm was over but had enough sense not to be a distraction while preparations are being made.

  10. Actually is the Reps doin' that I mean "cancelling" convention, calling for a monetary pledge drive. Obama just happen to mention it cause is a matter at hand right now and it has drifted, for bad or good, the attention on the Rep Con, so there you go!

  11. Explain to me how they're doing that.

  12. Really!  Is Gustav registered as a dem or rep? Maybe that would tell the whole story.

  13. Both parties should be ashamed of their corruption but I changed from D to R because of the CORRUPTION.  I was raised D;  JFK all the way but we have come so far from those days.  

    I think the D  are so much more unashamed for their using people, parading them on stage and telling of their plight  and the R are always the Villains.  

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