
Should the dragons sign mundine again for this season?

by  |  earlier

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now they have lost gasnier for the season and who would fill the pivot position for the club?




  1. No, not for this season. Not until Mudine is showing a sincere interest into going back to Rugby League, otherwise he's going to be not here, nor there. From the looks of things, he's enjoying boxing and he's made a name for himself doing that (and also with the songs and other things). He's got talent, but he's getting old. Maybe it'll just be left.

    And they shouldn't sign him just because Gaz's out for the season (which still isn't concrete, people have sped up injury healing time a lot - take Thurston for example). It's hard to fill a position left by him, and signing Mundine (who hasn't played for a while) isn't going to help.

  2. Well if they want the drama, bad press and lack of commitment that would accompany him, sure. There is no evidence the talent he once showed would still be there.

    A replacement for Gasnier, I'm not sure. I don't know who they have in the wings that can be as effective.

  3. h**l yeah Mundine has got so much talent and could only strengthen the Dragons line up. Doubt he will leave boxing but yeah motor mouth mundine would prove valuable to the dragons. He has got a big mouth but hes also got the talent to back it. People must admit that.

  4. You mean "The Man" bloody way.

  5. absolutely, taleted , experienced and in the best shape of his life he would be an asset to any team , and he would slot in easy at the dragons and fit in with the culture of the club!!!

    iam sure they have the depth with juniors to get thru but if u have the option to include a world class player in the side why wouldnt you???

  6. Hmmm.....

    Not sure about this one.  Does he really need to from his point of view?

    He's making it with Boxing......

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