
Should the drinking age be lowered back to 18?

by  |  earlier

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Some university presidents think so. What is your opinion?




  1. no it dosnt make a diffrense if somone want to get drunk he wil no matter the law-and if not again-no matter the law.

  2. Sure. You start paying taxes, working, fighting for our country, dying, etc. You should have the full benefits.

  3. YES

    It was 18 when I was a kid and we survived. Have fun while yer young. Drinking is an immature decision no matter how old you are, anyway.

    Another bonus: Girls Gone Wild !!!

  4. Honestly, i see to many kids my age [16] that get wasted. So, in my opinion it doesn't matter whether they change it or not. At least, to some extent... No, I don't think changing it is a good idea because a lot of teens drive like jerks from h**l and giving alcohol to them will just add to accidents caused by reckless driving and DUI's. If that law will be passed, then they should at least add a curfew to when they can have they're last drink until age 21 or older.

  5. No.

    18 year old's are simply not mature enough to handle alcohol.

    And why should we listen to a bunch of college professors who have never spent a day in the real world?

  6. yesssssssssss ! madd kidss drink beforee they 21 anwayss so if they make it a law then alot of kids wouldnt be breakin the law

  7. Absolutely!

    You are an adult at 18, therefore you should have all the rights of an adult!

  8. Yes.  You can vote for your country and fight for your country at 18.  How does drinking somehow require more responsibility than that?

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