
Should the future President of the United States spend more time being serious about his/her job?

by Guest66733  |  earlier

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I think being President Of the United States means you should stay focused and serious about an important job like that and work hard for the voters that put you in office.




  1. You're certainly entitled to that opinion. But all that brush down on the ranch ain't gonna clear itself!

  2. I don't think that people that are currently occupying a public office ought to be able to run for presidential office until their term is complete.  How can you campaign nationally and do your job at the same time?

  3. Yes - and do more than vote "present" like Obama has been doing for the last few years!

  4. Yes, of course!

  5. From your mouth to God's ear!

  6. Agreed but politically, that gets one in trouble.  I mean, look at the Bush Presidency; his main problem has been that he has been serious about the job which means some people had their toes stamped on which has then been spun to look like bad points.  Only do nothing Presidents remain popular for long.  I do agree that a President should be serious about his job - one reason that I'm voting for Senator McCain come November.

  7. I agree.

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