
Should the gasoline tax be raised?

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Should the gasoline tax be raised? Instead of making regulations about fuel ecocomy for cars and stuff like that, wouldn't it be easier just to raise the gasoline tax? I be if gasoline were $8 a gallon people would buy fuel efficient cars!




  1. Youre right-less people would drive. ENergy efficient cars are more expensive so most people cant afford them anyway. Noone would drive a reqular car, because it would be to expensive. the excessive cost of gas would outweigh any financial benefit from getting a new car. The governments main principles are supposed to be freedom-escaping unfair taxes was a big reason for the american revolution,we don't want to start that again do we?

    people would then leave the country because they cant afford to stay-possibly reversing the tide of illegal immigration so that we all move to mexico where things are cheaper. truck companies would stop shiping stuff and ALL the airlines would go TOtaly bankrupt, which is already a problem (and their main problem is the already high price of gas)

    All of these factors would then most likely force our country into poverty creating a worldwide economic deppression the likes of which has never been seen before. Then wars would be started over food, gas, revenge on the US  for starting it all, etc.

    It seems to me like you have come up with an apocalyptic scenario, not a solution.

  2. One reason fuel mileage standards are better is that it doesn't favor the rich.

    But Congress appears to be about to cave to the politically powerful car industry.  Sigh.

  3. Depends on where the tax money would be spent. Maybe a tax on cars based on their mpg.

  4. Super idea. The more taxes, the sooner the revolt starts. And the sooner socialism takes a dump. Bring it on lefty.

  5. cool... make it so only the well off can afford to drive anywhere... keep the poor from ever having a chance of getting ahead.. works really well.

  6. YES!!!   See how many negative marks that gets...   Gas is cheap in the US compared to the rest of the world because it is supported by tax dollars.   Since I choose to conserve and have a fuel efficient vehicle I'm supporting those who drive more and have less efficient vehicles.   Europe's, Canada's and Japans economies haven't crashed and I know they pay much more for fuel than we do.   People will either learn to adjust or die.   A little natural selection would do this country some good.

  7. The prices are not rising, the dollar is dropping.  People can't afford to go to work, that is why the min wage went up, to pay for people to get to work.  If we arent careful we will be like the rest of the middle class.

  8. As long as I don't have to pay for gas, why should I care how much it costs?

  9. are you crazy????? thats the last thing we need is pay more on any thing.

  10. No  -  but get rid of gasguzzling vehicles.

    No production allowed of cars with more than 100 HP

  11. NOooooooooooooooo!

    The problem is with the car companies not making fuel efficient cars,

    Kodus to Toyota and Honda with initiative

  12. Only if your desire is to cripple our economy and hurt the common person in many ways. First, everything would go up in price. Poor people would not be able to drive. Since all our goods and services must go up in price, we cannot compete with any other countries, more jobs go to overseas and we all lose our jobs.

    You must be a Democrat. What you propose is exactly what they do every time they have power.

    A better way is to add tax to big powerful cars and big houses using a lot of energy like a luxury item, or give tax incentives to people for driving little cars and buying small efficient homes. This does not hurt the little guy. It can actually help him because he will spend much less on fuel.

  13. No.

    Unless you want poor people to starve.

    Food is delivered in trucks. $8 gas would send food prices through the roof.

    The prices of gas is already beginning to slow the economy.

  14. No!

    Unless you want to eat 3$ apples I reccomend against it!

    Furthermore C02 is a by-product of global warming and not the cause!

    Look into the Milankovitch cycles and data extracted from the Vostok glacier:

    Boom global warming in 70000 bc! Who caused that? Mammoths in hummers? HA!

  15. What for?  Gasoline tax is already almost 50% of the cost at the pump.

    Cigarettes are one of the few things taxed more heavilly than fuel... the cost of producing a pack of cigarettes is about 11 cents.  90% of the rest of what people pay is taxes.  about 5 cents profit per pack to spread out between the farmers, cigarette companies, distributors and retailers.

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