
Should the good Republicans of the US pray for Democrats to see the error of their ways?

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  1. There are good Republicans?

    I had no idea.

  2. Yes. Dems need to come to their senses and acknowledge that murdering babies is wrong and that marriage is between a man and a woman.

  3. I LOL so hard!

  4. The Democrats already do see the error of the Republicans' ways. That's why Obama is so popular. He doesn't bury his head so far in his party's c**p that he can't see it being piled on.


  5. LMAO!

    Good republicans is an oxymoron.

  6. Yeah, why not. It wouldn't change anything, but if they are bored enough, go for it I guess.

  7. Vice Versa!

  8. LOL!

    From what I've seen lately, the Republicans are the ones in err.

  9. Hail and Worship those born into their money... Hiltons, Cheyneys, Bushes and others who've never labored a day in their lives deserve money more than anyone else.  

  10. How simple minded must a person be to think that everybody in one party is all good and everyone in the other is all bad?  I suppose ignorance really is bliss but many here would know better than I would.

  11. No.  

  12. What?   BOTH of them at once?

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