
Should the government be stepping in to prevent company's like British Gas raising there product by 35% ?

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If you look at BP these company's blame rising costs in the world for the price of their product yet they release what can only be described as an obscene amount of profit for the last 6 months of £ 6.75bn.

These company's clearly aren't struggling and are basically kicking people when they are down.

Could the gov do anything to prevent this blatant robbery of its people ?




  1. Yes, nationalise the damned utlities - as a dyed in the wool conservative i never thought i'd say this! We've got to get our utilities out of the hands of speculators and russian oligarchs!

  2. Who`s gonna make them... you ... doubt it.. me, probably not....anyone else... probably not!

  3. yes they should its daylight robbery

  4. What can the government do? If they raise taxes then the end users will just pay more. The only thing that people can do is drive less or pay more. I can't drive less so I get to pay more and complain.

  5. Yes, the government can reduce its tax level on oil products.

  6. A lot of their profits go back to the UK investment funds who have invested in British Gas and other energy companies.

    Those profits then go in to paying out for monthly pensions.

    Be careful what you wish for else the pensioners will have no money and even greater disorder.

    Just enjoy paying ok.  Enjoy it you energy sucker. :p

    Pay and pay and pay.  People like me are waiting in the wings for the biggest UK house price crash in the history of the universe as you all get squeezed out.

  7. overnments can put sanctions and regulations on any business practice that they deem potentially harmful to the national or global economy.  The problem (i believe) lies in the government officials' investment portfolios.  Many elected government officials are elected to power because they have big money to throw at their campaign.  Their big money can come from many sources possibly like companies and pharmaceutical companies and family money and donations.  In the case of our president, we can't really say where his $$ came from, but we do know that his family is heavily invested in the oil industry.  Why do you think we haven't already put limits on oil companies in the US?

  8. You would have thought so as they seem to be able to anything the want to to anybody, I just dont think they care.

  9. Oh the joys of free market capitalism

  10. Too late now.  The Tories flogged off British Gas to the private sector.

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