
Should the government bring in caneing here like in Singapore?

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Should the government bring in caneing here like in Singapore?




  1. NO.

    Fear of punishment doesn't prevent criminals from committing crime.

    Fear of getting caught does.

  2. Considering the United States has more people in prison than China and Russia, something needs to be done to revamp the corrections system we have now, but caning would never pass the house vote.  

    Its not that its a bad idea, but something that barbaric would be what it takes to lower crime rates.

  3. No. I think they should taser people. It's fun for the whole family.

  4. That will never happen. In our liberalized western societies we don't even want to punish the most heinous of villains.

  5. Where is "here?"

  6. If you mean the U.S., that would make a good reality show. How about we take a couple of gangs in L.A. and they take turns caning each other on a reality show. The last one alive gets to go to prison forever.

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