
Should the government declare a State of Emergency?

by Guest65629  |  earlier

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South Africa is now more dangerous than it was in the period 1983-1989, that is statistically speaking of course. I fully appreciate that the circumstances are different but let's face it, the outcome is the same, ons vrek almal. Is it not time for Martial Law and a State of Emergency to be declared?

This time we need to use the sjambok and the riot shotgun to defeat a common cause, one that affects all South Africans and so there can be no whinging!




  1. Would exactly would that change?!

    It´s ****** up beyond any recognition

  2. It's too late.

  3. africa is screwed

  4. dey ies too stoopit

  5. You forget that it was only 8 months ago Nquaqula did a trip to Europe telling all and sundry that crime was not as bad as the Press made it out to be and in fact they grossly exaggerated the situation.

    You dont have a Government in South Africa.South Africa is run by an axis of evil - the black-nationalist, racist, African National Congress (ANC), the S.A. Communist Party and the Marxist trade union grouping, Cosatu.

  6. MJ are you starting to fall to this mentality of the racists and conservatives here?

  7. MJ where do you live?

  8. Holy Crappies it's far to late!!!!!

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