
Should the government encourage farmers to continue planting sources for the biofuels? Why or why not?

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  1. Yes absolutely without a doubt, why? if we want to stay ahead of the game.

    Farmers are an absolute necessity, they are our future.

  2. Nope

    It kills the supply and drives up the price

    Just look at the price of corn,even before everything else surged in price.

  3. No they should grow hemp for bio-fuels takes less land then corn and soybean more B.T.U to the ton

  4. No, biofuels such as corn will take up considerable space and land that could be used for food for people and animals will be taken away.  Already people are starving because of the dual problems of higher gasoline prices and land that was used for food production now going into biofuel production.  Look for a lot of biofuel pushing by the US government if Obama becomes president, his Illinois friends are to ethanol what Bush's buddies were to oil.

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