
Should the government force gas stations to require ethanol at every gas station.?

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I just wrote to Dan Surra our state representative in PA.

Dan: I read your recent flyer about"high energy prices breaking the bank for our family".

You wrote that every gallon of gas sold in the state of PA to have 10 percent ethanol.

I recently switched from ethanol gas to non-ethanol gas

and found an increase from 18 to 23 miles per gallon.

Just check the internet about ethanol and you will find a number of websites that claim you will get some 5% to 20% increase in gas mileage.

Should PA decide to require ethanol gas, so much for great gas savings.

If anything ethanol gas should be cheaper than regular gas.

If you do not believe me, try it yourself. Fill up at Quik-Fill station.




  1. You seem to be anti-ethanol due to the low MPG.  

    That's just the beginning.  Look into how ethanol is made.  Essentially, it takes almost a gallon's worth of petroleum to make a gallon of ethanol.  That's because, you know, you're distilling.  Boiling.  This takes lots of energy.   Also, modern hybrid corn requires lots of fertilizer, which is made of petroleum - and the corn starch is separated in a wet mill, which takes lots of energy to run.

    So why are they bothering?  Not to be green or eco.  It's done as farm policy, farm subsidy.  Instead of insuring farmers against crop failure, they guarantee a minimum price for each bushel of corn a farmer actually delivers.   This just encourages crazy overproduction.  Read "The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan for more about that.

  2. I just wanted to let everyone know about this great site I found with lots of useful Gas saving tips and information. It is a free site, so no worries. Check it out and save some money like I did using the tips. Good luck!

  3. Ethanol (the it is done in America) is a scam.

    (1) it only have about 65% of the energy content (lower MPG)

    (2) corn ethanol (USA) takes about equal amount of fossil fuel (or natural gas or coal) to make ethanol (with only gain of 30%).  What that means is that if we used 1 gallon worth of gasoline, coal or natural gas, we only get a net gain of just 30%.

    (3) Sugar Cane ethanol (Brarzil) makes about 7 times (700%) the ethanol than it uses during the process.  So if they used 1 gallons worth of gasoline, coal or natural gas, they get a net gain of another SEVERN gallon.

    American Ethanol = 100% BS.

    Good Luck....

  4. ethanol has 2/3 energy content of gasoline, 10% ethanol mix might cost you 3% or so gas mileage drop, not enough to notice and certainly not 23 to 18 mpg.

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