
Should the government stop offering medical assistance to monetary challenged fetuses?

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mis- ever hear of medicaid or medicare? or is it that you have no idea what your talking about?




  1. what exactly does monetary challenged foetuses mean?

  2. Why should they stop????

  3. I don't think the governmen offers any current medical assistance to monetary challenged fetuses.  So should they stop; the better question is should they start.

  4. Hmmm... lets look at it this way... for the sake of argument we will say that "monetary challenged fetuses" translates to low-income mothers-to-be on Medicaid (or is it Medicare when you aren't a senior citizen - I get confused).  I do believe that some girls/women are encouraged to get pregnant and/or continue a pregnancy because they receive full medical benefits.  Basically, they pay absolutely nothing for prenatal care, labor and delivery.   Thousands of dollars our tax dollars are used for - for EACH monetary challenged fetus.

    It is also safe to assume that the mother and baby will remain on government benefits following the birth... they have up to 5 years, right, with the welfare reform act?  

    Should the government stop offering medical assistance?  Yes.

  5. No, its less costly compared to the cost of an abortion and the medical assistance required for the mother for a long time in her life after abortion.  the medical bad effects of an abortion on her mind and body can last a lifetime.

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