
Should the groom see the garter before the wedding?

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I recently bought a garter that I would really like my fiance to see but I don't know if this is something that should wait until the wedding?




  1. i think you should let him see it... while it's on your leg of course!

  2. I would go ahead and let him see it. Not the dress though. I am getting married soon and bought my FI a wedding gift of a watch that matches his wedding ring and I couldn't wait just two months before showing him. I had to show him that night.

    But something like the garter I think it should be fine, I don't think there are any superstitions either about showing the garter early. Remember: It's YOUR wedding!

  3. There's no tradition that says he can't see the garter.  

  4. It's up to you.  I'm not one of those old-wives-tales believers and don't even think that the groom can't see the bride before the wedding on that day or anything, but some people are really hung up on that bad-luck thing so they keep the groom from seeing the dress until the ceremony.

    If you want him to see it, show it to him.

  5. That really depends on you and your fiance. While I wouldn't let him see any of it on me, he's over at my place often enough that he's seen my undergarments lying around, so I had no qualms about letting him see it (actually dragging him out to help me buy it). What is your comfort level with him seeing your underwear?  

  6. I don't see why not. We picked the garter together (the dress too, by the way - we don't care for superstitions).

  7. I didn't show my husband the garter because I had ordered an LA Dodgers garter (it was still my something blue) and wanted to surprise him when he went to take it off. There is no superstition with regard to the groom seeing the garter. If you want to show it to him, go right on ahead.

    Congrats on your upcoming nuptials!

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