
Should the horses in the Preakness wear black legbands in memory of Eight Belles?

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The jockeys should wear all black, and Eight Belles picture should be in the corner of the screen during the race.




  1. I think your concept and sentimentality have value - not that this kind of misfortune doesn't happen to many other horses - but because the Preakness would likely have been her next race.  Everyone would have looked forward to her being there, and her presence (even if only symbolic/pictoral) would perhaps help ease the grief of missing her.  Legbands/armbands, and the pic window,  would be just enough to keep her there, in our hearts, but all-black jockey outfits might be a bit too much.

  2. sounds kinda dumb, to me.

  3. I might sound stupid...

    but why black leg bands?

  4. shut up,and take a bath.

  5. I think the jockeys wearing arm bands would be honorable.  It was a horrific tragedy that touched millions of people.  Although Eight Belles was not the first - the race in which she died in is the Super Bowl of horse racing.  I'm just learning about horse racing - an expert by NO MEANS - but I've never seen a horse go down on national tv....and the image is forever burned into my mind.  So very sad.

  6. As sad as it was to lose Eight Belles, this request is too far fetched.  Do you realize many colts or fillies have been lost in racing?  How could we narrow down the memories to just one tragic fillie that was lost way too early before her time.

    It is a nice thought, just not realistic. .

  7. This is a bit much!  On the same day as the Kentucky Derby  several other horses suffered catastrophic breakdowns in races across North America, why single out this one filly?

    Yes it was sad and tragic that she was lost in such circumstances but instead of dwelling on what has happened the industry should be taking action to try to prevent it happening again.  

    Banning race-day medication would be a good start!

  8. How about a black stripe on every saddlepad in rememberance of all racehorses that have broken down?

    Leg bands slip too easily, which could cause another track tragedy.

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