
Should the human race lower its birth rate to put less strain on the Earth's resources?

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We all talk about the end of humanity and the cause behind it. One thing many of us seem to agree on is that the human race will probably bring it on themselves. One reason being our ever-growing population is consuming all the resources plotted down by nature from the start. What would happen if humans just decided to cut down on their reproduction rate? Would we be able to start saving more of our dwindling resources? Or are we already screwed?




  1. The problem with the human race, whatever that is, deciding unanimously to lower it birth rate is that the ones who don't give a d**n about lowering the birth rate won't.  The vast masses in Third World countries don't give a d**n about it, so they will continue to multiply disproportionally until they become the overwhelming majority on the planet.  The Industrialized, better educated populations in the advanced nations will find themselves beseiged with illiterate, unskilled masses of refugees fleeing the mess they have created.  In China, where government has stepped in and made it a virtual crime to have more than one child, would-be parents, who favor having male babies, are aborting the females, leaving China with a very serious imbalance in the male/female birth ratio, so that tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of Chinese males will never be able to have a woman.  Any human attempt to lower the birth rate would be counterproductive and give unfavorable results.  A far better way is to let nature run its course and let the excess overbred Third World populations die off from sickness, famines, and violent strife.

  2. off course yes

  3. you first


    we are stressing the earth by overpopulating andit's going to come down on us, and no one will know what happened!!!

    I agree entirely! Kids without homes should come first in most cases! give some other kid a chance! It can help the environment!

  5. i really really think so.. and i agree with beth babe .. adopt kids.. they need you.. and you are helping the planet too by doing this,.

  6. only allow the couple that are fit to have children

    if you are a good fit parent with good will you should be allowed to have 1 child then that stops the problems with too many unwanted unlove children

    stop the people on welfare from having all these children they cannot afford them they are usually abused and end up in the system

  7. This is called Eugenics: the idea that not all people deserve to live because of genetics or for the good of the whole. It's a dangerous road to take because ideas have consequences.

    Overpopulation is a nonproblem. If we cut the earth's population in half we would still be experiencing the same resource issues. Resource management is the problem. Government is the problem. People are not the problem.

  8. We are already screwed. Mother nature will have her cull of this human infestation, no doubt with an ice age.

  9. yes,and in the cases of some of the ridiculously absurd answers some people post they should not reproduce at all

  10. Yes, we are like a virus, we move in, grow

    and consume everything  we need. The third

    world countries like India and China have

    giant population problems with land mass

    situations out of control but like all that's been said.

    We breed for need!! Zero population growth,

    a necessary issue for the future of mankind.

  11. Its really only the Pope who will disagree.  Its also true that all kids need more love and attention

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