
Should the interstate highways speed limit be lowered 55 mph again!?

by Guest66993  |  earlier

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Is this one of many steps that should be passed to save fuel nation wide? Or was it a waste of time the first time it was used?




  1. i have a 5speed so driving 45-55 is harder on my car than cruising at 65-75 on the interstates and freeways.  i get better fuel economy at least around 63-65 since i'm in 5th gear and the rpms are low.  if i drop down to the 45-55 range i have to shift gears more often

  2. I think it did save some gas, but it was very unpopular.  I don't think it would be popular if it was reinstated.  It was seen as a tyranny of small eastern states over large western states.  In fact some states in the west, if you got a speeding ticket for going between 55 and 70, it was like a $5 ticket for wasting gas, and it didn't put points on your license.  That wouldn't slow anyone down.

    We'd be much better off with a 'gas guzzler' tax.  Put a yearly tax on vehicles that get less than, say, 20 mpg.   It kills me to see people commuting, alone, in a huge SUV or pickup truck, even these days.  When you think of the percentage of driving we do alone, one person to a car, that seems to be the best way to lower gas mileage.

    Also maybe it's time for the government to mandate hybrids, at least a certain percentage of them, from American mfgrs.  Not just huge SUVs but smaller cars too.  Maybe a reinstatement of CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) laws would help.  If we put CAFE at 30 mpg, it would mean that about half the cars they sold would have to be hybrids.  Hybrids offer the possibility of realy cutting our gas consumption, not 5 or 10% like speed limit laws would, but 1/3 or 1/2 in a few years.  (We have a Prius and we LOVE it.  It gets better mileage than my motorcycle!  Why do the Japanese have to show us how to do it?)

  3. actually, your car is working at its most efficient when all cylinders are hitting, the speed has nothing to do with it when you are comparing 55 to 65 or 70.  it is definitely different than 35 or so, but wont make a bit of a difference.  the fuel saving comes into play when you are not stopping and starting so much.  if it just keeps going at a constant speed you get the best gas mileage.

    so no

  4. yes to save gas

  5. if you want to save fuel nothing is stopping you from driving in the right lane at 55.

  6. playing around with speed limits just give the cops a reason to give out expensive tickets. I hope you understand that they have quotas to get each month. Keeps the cash flowing in.And you kids get less. nice system.

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