
Should the jobless be forced to join the services like the Coast Guard or the Ambulance services?

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and how old should they be to get out of it?




  1. Australia has an Ambulance Service - volunteers only as is our Military. Australia stopped issuing pull-up boots to the Army, when it realised that only those capable of lacing up boots are really useful in the Army.

    Little Fascist Johnny has tried 'forcing' people into work by threatening to withhold benefits from the disabled (including the aged disabled) and single mothers, but the uproar made him back away.

  2. They should be made to do something useful YES - instead of sitting around all day watching trisha! Benefits should be cut to actually give them a reason to find a job.

  3. There is No Ambulance Service!!!!

    But ALL jobless should TRY to find work, just as every welfare recipient should have to perform community service.

  4. Yes, or even better they should all have to join the amry-infantry

  5. Good Grief.

    I don't know about you but I WOULD NOT want someone forced into service to be tending to me if I was involved in a serious car accident.


  6. The Coast Guard has standards.

  7. it is a rediculess idea. there are sonay unemployed the military  couldnt cope in any case , besides youd get the wrong tye of people in the military

  8. Yes they should. This will help those workshy skivers to get some pride.

  9. May be the jobless should be used to bury all the arrogant, brain-dead, clueless workabillies that are lucky enough to have a job!

  10. no because these jobs require skilled & motivated personel.

    They should have to do jobs like road sweeping, council gardening, rubbish collection etc.

  11. ???.....It takes a certain kind of someone to do those sort of jobs!!!!!

  12. Certain professions like the Coast Guard, ambulance should be all-voluntary.  These are critical areas where we want committed people.  You could make these jibs attractive so that those who are jobless, but actively looking for one, will join, if they want to.  Those who are jobless and choose to remain so, lack commitment and live as parasites.  They should certainly be kept far away from these professions.

  13. The jobless should be made to help others who prefer to work.  Babysit, drive to appts, clean for them etc....Not a public job.

  14. no! you cant train somebody who doesnt want to learn.  thats like putting a gun in the hands of a pacifist and showing them how to pull a trigger.  they wont do it.  i refuse to make somebody work for my taxes,  its my tax money i dont want somebody whos unemployed to shift fries and milkshakes for KFC at for minimum wage on my behalf to get unemployment numbers down.

  15. Why not just make them slaves?

  16. No. This would be making them do a job that a fully paid person would do, and do it for nothing. Why should some get paid and others give it for free? Let everyone do things for nothing, and then spy how they like their job then.

    Great question though, i'd like to join the coast guard, though I live ages from the coast!!!

  17. Give them a sling blade and about a one mile stretch of interstate to keep mowed.  you wanna pick upa yo checka best have da road mowed nice and pretty.

  18. You've just had a heart attack -who ya gonna call -the Jobcentre -no mate, they'd probably just give an excuse as to why they didn't attend- a bit like the ambulance service really!

  19. In principal the idea is good but I would prefer that until they found permanent work they should be engaged in street cleaning, rubbish collection and community projects.  If my life depends on it then I want someone who wilingly chose to do the job not a conscript.

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