
Should the judge and jury and police be arrested for rape?

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if a man can go to prison for accomplise to rape for performing a marriage where no actual rape occurred (definition of rape in dictionary : 1. the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.

since it is widely known the accounts of homosexual rape in Americas prisons should not all prison guards,criminal prosecutors,criminal judges and police be arrested as rapists?

and could not Warren Jeffs claim eminant domain over the person of the 14 year old girl as their communities culture is based upon the arranged marraige system in their culture and claim freedom of reliogion but mostly eminent domain since it is for the good of the community for arranged marriages in that culture?




  1. Well.. she was under age, so any s*x with her by an adult would be rape or a person of a certain number of years older than her.

    As far as marriage goes, it would be the state law.

    If the accomplish to rape charge was only due to performing a marriage, it is likely a local or state law that made the act of performing a marriage equal to that charge.  It also may come to what was involved in the marriage ceremony itself.

    But, I have not followed the case....

  2. Yes, they have turned the legal system on its ear by

    entering a political thicket which is unconstitutional.

    Freedom of religion can be practiced in this country

    unless it is overturned by jury nullification or judicial

    interference.  A little of both happened in this case.

    The judge and jury are both guilty of violating the law.

  3. 1. Dictionary definitions are not always the same as legal definitions.

    2. A 14 year old is a citizen of the US and their state and at 14 is under the law incapable of giving consent for marriage or s*x either willing or unwilling. The very fact that someone had s*x with her qualifies it as rape. One person cannot take away the rights of another because they want to in the name of religion.

    3. Rape in prison is subject to the same laws of rape outside or prison and those who commit it can be charged and convicted. Prison guards have been charged and convicted for purposely placing prisoners in cells so they would be raped by other prisoners.

    What consenting adults do is fine with me but a 14 year old is not an adult.

  4. the prison guards should be held accountable for when it does happen in prison.

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