
Should the juveniles who are guilty of heinous crimes be name and shame in public?

by  |  earlier

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they have been commiting crimes and most of them only got a slap in the wrist by our out touch magistrates and judges,only to be released back in the public and do another crime.should they be named and shamed im the public and their pictures be shown in tv and newspapers?so hopefully they wont commit no more crime,




  1. Something like 80+% of the children who appear in Children's Courts never re-offend.  That says to me that the current system is working just fine.

    Before you surrender to popular hysteria make sure you understand what you are trying to change.

  2. Too right they should, if you're old enough to commit a crime then you're old enough to be shamed.  My late Grandmother always said that they must have had a terrible mother and I tend to agree in most cases.

  3. Yes. Society has no place for people like this. They do not deserve to be treated well. If they want to commit a crime, then they should be prepared to be named and shamed.

  4. Yes but I'd go one step further. I have long advocated the reintroduction of the public stocks. Take some of these little creeps, lock them into the stocks, and let the public have a go at them. And televise it into the schools to let the next generation know what awaits them. Of course none of this will ever happen. We're far to PC and civilized. Unfortunately.

  5. I think so .... because they want to behave like adults .. and they committ adult crimes .. TREAT THEM AS ADULTS.

    and Yep ... If it was my child .. I'd definitely want her named and shamed ... I didn't bring her up to bash old ladies... etc.

  6. my oath they should!!!!!! it could bu used as a deterrent for juvenile offenders

  7. While I like the idea you proposed, I wonder... if THAT kid was YOUR child, would YOU want that? It is something those who are the victim of crime want - but certainly NOT the parents of the kids who commit the crime.

    I totally agree that if they commit the crime they do the time (or whatever punishment that fit the crime). But to shame them forever the rest of their life? Some kids DO grow up and get their senses back and come good. Shaming them lessen that chance.

    Anyway.. for a lot of them, shaming won't work. They don't care and as far as they are concerned - it is a status symbol for them to show their peers.

    You are right , they "only got a slap in the wrist by our out touch magistrates and judges" - so.. it is the justice system that need to make these kids realise that they have to accept responsibility for their action and hand out REAL punishments.

    And... it is also the parents who should take some of the responsibility about teaching them good values. Parents should be allowed to be tough on their kids. These days, parents who are tough get looked down upon by the law in the same way as those who actually abuse and neglect their kids. There is a difference and the law should know how to make that distinction.

    You smack a child on the leg for kicking and you get reported for abuse. But parents who take drugs and neglect a toddler and leave them to fend for themselves get to keep the kid because "it's better for the child to be with parents"

    Go figure.

    Sorry for my rant but I work in a related area to health and welfare and I hear about these things and such topics DO get me going.


  8. Yes they should and the law should start sentencing juveniles like adults as they knew exactly what they were doing when they committed the crimes.  The law needs overhauling.

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