
Should the mailman that wants to wear a kilt be allowed to?

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THey said his pants are too tight. He should just get bigger pants, or lose some weight. Did you see him in the kilt. I think that he looks like a big SISSY.




  1. UM YEAH, it makes it a whole lot easier, when your mom wants to s***w him while you are in school.

  2. A postal worker has a uniform that they are required to wear.  This uniform does not include a kilt.  He should get pants that fit him or be repremanded for not wearing the proper uniform.

  3. If he is a true McDonald he should be allowed to....but he has to prove he has a quarter pounder under his kilt...-wendy

  4. I've often wondered why more men don't wear robes, skirts, togas, kilts, whatever. Either way the legs are encased in fabric and it can be much more comfortable and convenient to encase the lower body as a whole than to encase each leg individually. As long as the clothing provides adequate coverage of the body and is suitable to the activity, I don't see any reasonable excuse for a double standard based on gender.  

  5. There is a misconception that a kilt is always a cooler garment than pants. The kilts that are made and worn here in Scotland are heavy and can be worn in midwinter in our sub-Arctic north.

    Anyone who calls one of our big hairy highlanders a cissy is very likely to get a throat full of their own teeth

  6. Tell that to Robert the Bruce

  7. Well I have never seen a woman in a skirt on their male route so I am guessing that this is not in their guidelines.

    What the heck if he wants to why not.

  8. Let me see you lug that mail pouch all day long in the heat,the rain,and the cold. Actually,a real kilt starts at $500.00  for the adult size.I live in South Texas and boy does it get hot here. I'd wear one.

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